depressed & agitated

ive been under my calories for a week now, working out every day & for some reason im feeling depressed & like im going to give up eventually. help?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Well done for staying under your calories - but remember that it's OK to eat all of them, that's your goal and you don't have to be under it to lose weight.
    It looks as though your meals are mostly takeaway/processed stuff - can you get a bit more fresh food in there? (Fruit, veggies, nuts, eggs, cheese, yoghurt) for example I find that I am always much healthier and feel better when I'm getting fresh food.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Don't give up- if losing weight were easy wouldn't everyone be stick skinny?
    Think about your goals. Why are you doing this? Doing it for your health and your family and ultimately yourself should be reason enough to stick to a difficult regime. You are not alone! Everyone here is going through the same thing and we are all here to support you.
    It took years to become overweight, and it will take time to lose that weight. YOU CAN DO THIS. Way to go staying under your calories and working out. You will see results- it just is not immediate.
    Feel free to friend me and message me if you need support. Don't throw in the towel- this is your life, and you're taking it back.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Drink a glass of milk or eat 1/4c nuts. Boom 2-300 more calories. Lick a spoon of peanutbutter...etc

    I aquire calories from just touching things. It isn't that hard.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    The only thing you can do is stick with it. If you have an off day, start right back on the next day. It's not perfection that counts, it's persistence. If you stick with it, you WILL lose the weight, even if it takes a little longer that you think it should.
  • hollyprovince
    hollyprovince Posts: 26 Member
    Well done for staying under your calories - but remember that it's OK to eat all of them, that's your goal and you don't have to be under it to lose weight.
    It looks as though your meals are mostly takeaway/processed stuff - can you get a bit more fresh food in there? (Fruit, veggies, nuts, eggs, cheese, yoghurt) for example I find that I am always much healthier and feel better when I'm getting fresh food.
    well right now me & my fiance are waiting on food stamps so its hard to eat fresher things with lack of money. the cals are no problem for me. its the fat i have frustration with.
  • eilis12
    eilis12 Posts: 75 Member
    I know how you feel!
    Probably you just need a rest day -assumming you work out every day-.
    Don't give up. NEVER!!!
    Think of how great you will feel after you reach your goal. Think about the compliments you'll get.
    Whenever I feel down I always remember this: If you give up today think of how much you'll regret it 3 months from now....when you can be ____lbs lighter.

    Think about that lucky guy, that loves you so much right now, and probably more after he sees you have reached your goal.
  • I know how you feel... For the past week, I've done more exercising, been a few hundred under my calorie goals almost every day, and guess what... The scale had the nerve to tell me I've gained weight!!! (It's obviously lying and taunting me) But, I'm not letting that stop me. Crazy as it seems, maybe I'm not eating enough. And, maybe I need to add a bit more to my workout routine. Our bodies are intelligent; they learn to adapt. Whatever you do, you've already started this journey... DON'T GIVE UP!!! Re-starting will just be that much harder. You can do it!!! :wink:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Well done for staying under your calories - but remember that it's OK to eat all of them, that's your goal and you don't have to be under it to lose weight.
    It looks as though your meals are mostly takeaway/processed stuff - can you get a bit more fresh food in there? (Fruit, veggies, nuts, eggs, cheese, yoghurt) for example I find that I am always much healthier and feel better when I'm getting fresh food.
    well right now me & my fiance are waiting on food stamps so its hard to eat fresher things with lack of money. the cals are no problem for me. its the fat i have frustration with.

    Yup, that's going to make things tough - having money troubles never helps you to relax!
    Are you exercising? - I find running is amazing stress relief for me.
    Or does a massage (ask your fiancee for a free massage and promise him one later!) or a nice hot bath or watching an old favourite moving help you relax? In other words, is there a non-food way of relaxing?
    Hang in there and I hope you find what works for you.
  • hollyprovince
    hollyprovince Posts: 26 Member
    Well done for staying under your calories - but remember that it's OK to eat all of them, that's your goal and you don't have to be under it to lose weight.
    It looks as though your meals are mostly takeaway/processed stuff - can you get a bit more fresh food in there? (Fruit, veggies, nuts, eggs, cheese, yoghurt) for example I find that I am always much healthier and feel better when I'm getting fresh food.
    well right now me & my fiance are waiting on food stamps so its hard to eat fresher things with lack of money. the cals are no problem for me. its the fat i have frustration with.

    Yup, that's going to make things tough - having money troubles never helps you to relax!
    Are you exercising? - I find running is amazing stress relief for me.
    Or does a massage (ask your fiancee for a free massage and promise him one later!) or a nice hot bath or watching an old favourite moving help you relax? In other words, is there a non-food way of relaxing?
    Hang in there and I hope you find what works for you.
    i think i will take a bath right now lol