Inches Away!!!



  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Today was my weigh and measure day. I finally managed to drop another pound for a total of six but what REALLY makes my week is when the tape measure shows those inches gone! Even if sometimes it is only a fraction of an inch here or there.My new goal for is to exercise 3 times a day except on weekends to burn the belly fat: treadmill and floor exercises in the morning, swimming laps or gardening in the afternoon and walking the dog after supper.

    Tonight we are going to a potluck where there will be lots of high calorie food. A REAL test of my willpower. I did an extra 30 minutes on the treadmill today so I could have some extra calories to play with tonight.

    I just got back from a week at the beach and there's nothing like swimwear to reveal figure flaws. :blushing: (I never noticed until I saw those pictures that I have floppy old woman arms..) Tips on how to get them firmed up would be appreciated. Next year I want to be the one getting second looks!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Susan, have a wonderful time at your potluck and good for you planning that into your day and getting in that extra 30 min. on the treadmill. Susan I think with you swimming it will help tone the arms, also from years ago I know what worked best for me were 1 or 2 lb weights when doing my aerobics and resistance bands are great, I really like them, and they aren't expensive.

    I just received a new prevention magazine today and here is what they say for a firm up
    To get rid of arm jiggle-despite number bicep curls, it is suggested that as you do arm curls with weights bend your knees and lower your body as you straighten your arms during a bicep curl., in doing so it places extra stress on the muscle fibers making them stronger. Hope this helps.

    Just read something else I will share with you and the group, Listening to music when you do a workout, jog, walk, bike ride will often result in 15% more calories burned as it is found often it promotes you increasing your routine or you will continue longer, I can believe that. If I am listening to some real upbeat music I can go and go, it makes me feel so good.
    Puts a song in my head, I'm walking in sunshine oh oh I'm walkin on sunshine oh oh, and don't it feel good, alright now.....have a great night everyone:smile:
    see you tomorrow, Debbie
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Saturday Morning to Everyone, those new and joining us, we're glad your here.
    Its a dreary morning here in Ohio, suppose to have our share of thunderstorms throughout today, so exercise will be indoors on the stationary bike.

    Here is a Quote for you all today: "Don't let fear stop you, it only means you're facing great opportunities"....Erich Jao

    Sometimes fear comes in all forms....there is the fear of change, fear of failure, fear of success (yes, believe it or not).....I heard a person one time at a group setting say that they feared getting to their ideal weight and I thought "why would you fear success". I have seen and heard it in the workplace, wanting a promotion then fearing that they would not live up to the expectations of others, or themselves. The best way I know to overcome these feelings is through a positive approach, and positive thoughts and attitude. If it were your son, daughter, aunt, mother, father, sister, brother, wanting to make a lifestyle change, you would embrace them, encourage them, support them, inspire them, and motivate them. Believe that you are also worthy of this compassion. Be patient with yourself, and learn to forgive yourself when you stumble, pick yourself up, remember the great efforts you have made and today's a new day, make the most of it. You've had more good days than not so good. Perhaps you've stayed true to your program X number of days, or exercised this week, or tried a new food, or made a better food choice, think about all the positive changes you have made, so that when you splurge one meal or one day, you don't throw it all away and Quit.

    I told myself when I started this time, I am in it to Win It. I am not quitting, its not an option. Sometimes I believe its what we say to ourselves that dictates how we will handle our successes as well as failures. I have accepted that I am not perfect and I won't do it all right, all the time, but my rights will be more than my wrongs as I learn and change my life for the better.

    I am striving to be the healthiest I can be through eating and exercise. I am not getting hung up on body image, as society stresses. The new found body image will come when I have adopted new ways and ideas and I make them my way of life. Just like at the scales, we all get so caught up in the number and if its not a loss we get so bummed and think "Oh whats the use". But then we get out the tape measure and its, 1 inch gone here, 1/2 inch gone there, 2 inches gone here, 3/4 gone there, and 3/4 gone there, and 3 inches gone here, and before we know it, Wow......8 inches gone....woo hooo....

    Remember: when the Inches Down~~~~~So will the Pounds..inch by inch we are changing our lives, so never give up..........Get in it to Win It.....

    make it a great day,
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Sunday Afternoon to you all. Raining here off and on today in Ohio. Today is a sensable sunday for me and my family. We love spending time together, and we just kick back and enjoy the day, playing games, watching movies, relaxing, ...........just a day to slowwwwwwwwwww down.....

    Looking through many of the advertisements in the paper this morning and golly Easter will be here before we know it. How will you get through the holiday? Do you go to a family gathering, is it you who does the cooking, or is it potluck? What will you have that keeps you successful in your journey? What fun outdoor activities can you include everyone in to burn those extra calories? Something to think about this coming week and share with our group!!!

    here's some of my outdoor fun time games, *kitten*, horseshoes, croquet, relay race, tug of war, balloon toss, sack race....just to name a few
    bbl Debbie
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Listening to music when you do a workout, jog, walk, bike ride will often result in 15% more calories burned as it is found often it promotes you increasing your routine or you will continue longer, I can believe that. If I am listening to some real upbeat music I can go and go, it makes me feel so good.

    I would NEVER last more than a few minutes without music on the treadmill. I need that driving beat to keep my pace up where it needs to be. I have a special selection of upbeat songs that make it virtually impossible to walk less than 3.5 mph and stay with the beat. Another thing I do to make myself stay at it longer is to not allow myself to watch my favorite shows unless I am doing some sort of exercise at the same time. BTW, Soup cans work great if you don't have any weights.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Susan thank you for sharing, and you are sure right about the soup cans if you don't have weights, so thanks for reminding us.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Monday Morning my dear friends here at Inches Away!!!

    Are you ready to start another great week? Did you reach your expectations of last week? Did you set a new goal for this week, perhaps lose 1 lb, drink 9 glasses of water, try a new food, ? Do you have a celebration your facing, office party, birthday, anniversary....and how will you handle that?

    Quote for Today: "Adopt, Adapt, Change" unknown

    So I got to thinking this morning.....perhaps when you look back you remember a book that was popular about the Hungry Caterpillar.....he ate alot of healthy foods and in the end turned into a beautiful butterfly......
    Then their was a book called "HERMIE" by Max this one is my favorite, you see Hermie was a caterpillar and he was sad because all his friends were changing and he wanted to change too, he kept praying and asking "why", and the reply was simply that it wasn't time.....and in the end he turned into a beautiful butterfly.....Hermie you see had to be patient.....he had to want it for himself and he did more than anything .....change....its a beautiful thing
    So be patient with yourself and think beautiful thoughts and embrace each day...the best is yet to come your way!!!!

    bbl Debbie:heart:
  • psychojenn
    so i went down .5 in around my waist.. didnt really expect anything this week so im shocked and happy! :laugh:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Way to go Jen, keep up the great job. Your going to be a beautiful bride:flowerforyou:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there everyone, evening is fast approaching, I really don't know where this day has gone. Been on the go all day, then got home and hubby wanted to have a cookout. So did some hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. I had baked beans made and deviled eggs so everything went together nicely and fact was it was spontaneous didn't even have it planned. I really like when things just "happen". LOL

    So to keep our focus on healthy many are really into reading labels.....????
    Just a few tips: Sugar free doesn't mean carb free and the same in reverse
    Fat free doesn't mean Sugar Free
    (seems they take away one and sometimes have to overcompensate with another).

    heart healthy ingredients: whole wheat flour, soy & oats, monounsaturated fat such as olive oil, canola or peanut oil

    Is honey a good substitute for sugar? You be the judge. Honey has more carbs and is sweeter than sugar, so you may use less when using honey in place of sugar.

    well just some things to enlighten you!!!

    bbl Debbie:heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, its sun shiny here this morning, and due to be in the 60's again today, and we'll take it.

    Quote: "Life is a process with a framework of comprehension, communication and involvement" Ravi Kumar Jeenoo

    Think of our journeys...they too are a process, and communication and involvement are the essence of why we are all here. Share your thoughts, your discoveries, recipes, tips, it inspires us all. One person can not do it all for the group. I strive hard to bring to this group real life discoveries, I read and research ideas and quotes, and tips and I need from you feedback. Communicate what is working for you.

    What new discoveries have you made recently?
    maybe its that you fit easier behind the steering wheel in your vehicle,
    you can sit in a booth comfortably
    your lower back doesn't hurt when you walk a short distance
    you can climb stairs without getting winded or having to stop and rest
    you can talk with your friend comfortably while exercising
    you are firming up
    you have less water retention-due to decrease in sodium intake
    blood sugar levels are stable
    blood pressure is down
    cravings are gone
    clothes are loose
    someone paid you a compliment Wow factor!!!!

    think about it and get back with us, Enquiring minds want to know!!!

    bbl Debbie
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Someone needs to message me and explain how you got your ticker for inches lost. I went to ticker factory but wasn't sure which kind to choose. Thanks!

    Also I have some questions on some of the other threads about recipes and exercise.

    Thanks in advance, Susan
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Susan when you go to ticker factory they have a new one titled waist, and you then pick your ticker and slider, enter your beginning waist measurement and then your goal and then paste and copy the bbl code in your signature box at myfitnesspal in your settings where it says change forum signature.

    I have found I can't update my ticker in the forum, I always have to go back and redo the tickerfactory one at its site....but after you do it a few times its a cinch, I find it best to pull up a new window and toggle back and forth between sites when I cut or copy and paste.

    Hope this helps you.

    have a nice day, and post often

    **susan did you see my post about the pedometer- for anyone that is walking and wants one, avon sells them right now for $12.99 and it will track distance, calories burned and steps taken.***

    not endorsing another company or promotion of sales.....just in these troubled times trying to share a tool that aids in motivating us and is affordable for our journeys!!!
  • psilva78227
    psilva78227 Posts: 40 Member
    Count me in! My trainer will measure me (inches and weight) every month. He also said that I will lose inches before pounds. As long as I lose! :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    hey PSilva good to have you join us. Yes, its true the inches will usually always be more than pounds. I'm with you, I'll take any loss I get!
    So welcome and post often.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, Happy April!!!!

    So what will this month hold for you? Let's think about what we feel we most want to accomplish for ourselves this month. Perhaps it is to eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies this month, or get in all 8 or more glasses of water, or reduce our sodium intake, just stay with in our caloric range......begin exercising, or increase our intensity......ummmmmmmmmm

    Set a mini goal, write it down and reach for that one goal. Now for those of you doing my step it up challenge we are currently challenging ourselves to walk 3,500 steps each day. If you don't have a pedometer do as I did when I started out, pick an area where you can walk, park, hiking path, fairground race track, and count your steps, then you know everytime you walk how far you have gone. On average if you walk in your neighborhood, 8 blocks is equal to 1 mile when you come full circle, (walking 8 blocks away from your home and then back).

    Quote for Today: "If you want to reach your goal and have a competitive edge, you need to be hungry" Uday Uprity

    I'll be back later, share your April Goal, and I'm not foolin.......:wink:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I just visited Ticker Factory again and still haven't located the waist one. Someone please e-mail me the link they use. All I see are BMI and pound countdowns.

    Last month I did NOT reach ANY of my goals. :blushing: I did however, manage to lose and gain the SAME pound twice before dropping an additional pound that stayed off. Although my weight hasn't changed much, I did manage to lose a total of 4 inches from my target areas: Waist -1 1/2" Belly - 2" Hips - 1/2" so at least I am making SOME progress.

    I have several get-down-to-business goals for April:
    1. Plan meals and snacks a day ahead
    2. Add floor exercises and/or swimming to my workout to target "old woman arm" flabbiness and a belly that is still the largest part of me.
    3. Drink ALL my water :drinker:
    4. Lose at least 5 pounds.
    5. Lose at least 6 inches from my target areas.

    I asked several exercise and recipe questions on other threads yesterday and have gotten some great ideas. I'm so glad to have found encouragement and support at MFP. I'm so pleased to find you all!


    While I was standing at the checkout counter at the grocery store yesterday, I saw this magazine with Valerie Bertinelli on the cover. Two years ago she weighed 182 pounds. Now she's a size 8 and walking 10,000 steps a day. If she can do it, so can we! :flowerforyou: See that big number on your scale or tape measure? You never have to see that number again!
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    Question for all you measuring guys/ gals.
    Do you measure yourselves?
    What parts do you measure?
    How often?
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I measure myself once a week about the same time of day.

    Bust, Waist, Belly (at my navel), Hips and Thighs
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi and Welcome gnicole, glad your here hope you'll stay with us, we post daily.

    I measure, neck, biceps, wrist, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, track size of clothing, blouse, skirt, dress, pants, and shoe size. Yes, your shoe size will change also as you lose weight!!! :wink:

    Susan, in ticker factory the waist measure ticker is under the weight loss category. you have to type in then when setting up the waist one, your password, weight, then it will ask current value and then desired value and then your done and ready to post it to your signature. try again, you'll get it, have to go and do mine today.

    Great goals susan, thanks for sharing, we'll encourage you to make it happen. Yes, I saw that pic of Valerie in the new stands, she does look great, and we can do it. Thanks again!!

    bbl Debbie