p90x nutrition plan questions

How much protein is too much? I've searched around google and most sites say anywhere from 50 to 70 grams per day. According to the p90x plan my daily intake should be 40% protein and 40%carbs and 20% fat. I pluged these numbers on this website http://www.freedieting.com/tools/nutrient_calculator.htm and my daily intake should be 250g! That's a lot. My calorie goal is 2500 and I try to 4-5 times a day.



  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    A half to 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight.
  • holdthat
    A half to 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight.

    and what about carbs? Does the same rule apply as well?
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    While I'm no expert and can't specifically answer your question I can tell you my experience. I had heard from some friends that when I was following the P90x nutrition plan on my first round that it was too much protien, but I followed the plan to a T anyway and had fantastic results. Best of luck to you.
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    I did back to back P90X, I didn't follow the nutrition plan. I did my own. Most of my carbs came from veggies. I kept my carbs low. Follow the plan, I have friends that followed it and received great results.