Need help!!!

I am so frustrated that I don't know what to do anymore!!! I have been at it for over almost a month now and have only lost 1 pound so far. I see other people posting 2 lb weight loss a week and my scale just seems stuck!!!

- I drink at least 10 (8oz) glasses of water per day. No sodas or juices pass my lips anymore. No coffee or tea either
- Only have oatmeal and fruit for breakfast most mornings
- I usually have veggies and fish or plain chicken breast for lunch
- Snacks are usually less than 100 cals per snack (usually yogurt, fruit etc)
- I do not go over my 1200 cal per day goal
- I exercise at least 40 mins per day (20 mins in the am and another 20 in the pm) doing various things like treadmill incline walking, kickboxing and general aerobics.

And still, after all this, I have still lost nothing!!! I am completely at a loss as to what is going on and I have basically almost given up. The past 2 days, I have been eating everything under the sun in complete frustration, which does not help I know, but I guess I am having a little woe is me moment :( HELP!!!!!!!!!!


  • Sounds like you are doing all the correct things. You don't have any medical issues like thyroid????:huh:
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    you might not be eating enough. aim for 1,200 plus the exercise calories you are burning each day (or at least half of them). your body might be rebelling because it isn't getting enough food.
  • I know how you feel. The scale rarely goes down for me. and one week it was only a 1/2 lb. but you got to think. your doing everything right. have you lost inches? not losing is better than gaining even though its not as great as losing. it's something! Just keep sticking with it. Eventually it will start to go down! Consult a doctor if nothing really changes. Maybe your not feed yourself enough. you might have to up your calories. hope this helps. Good luck!
  • Don't give up! Hang in there! You are doing everything right. Who knows why it's so slow. Maybe change the type of exercise you are doing. IS your body used to the tredmill? Shake it up. If you can, exercies longer and see what that does.Don't give up!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    OK... Are you measuring (REALLY measuring, with scales and measuring cup, EVERYTHING that passes your lips?). This is not advanced math. If you are in a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. The most common reason I have seen for a lack of weight loss is the poster is not actually measuring what that eat and they are taking in more calories than the think and they are buning fewer calorie than the think.
  • dashbeaujippers
    dashbeaujippers Posts: 104 Member
    Are you a weight lifter? I only ask, because of the pic u used. The reason I asked, is that muscle weighs more than fat, and perhaps you should measure yourself. You may be losing inches, just not pounds. Try it. Whenever my scale won't budge, I check my tape measure, and more often than not, I have toned up and slimmed a little, even if the scale does not show any progress.
    I hope this helps! :smile:
  • I am right where you are. I was told that the first 20 min of excercise is muscle building and after that it's fat burning. Anyone know if this is correct? I figure that if it is, for me I'm not losing yet because of the muscle weighing more than fat, and eventually it'll start to get the scale lower.
  • Thanks for all the replies guys. It is just frustrating to feel that you are working so hard and putting in all this effort and see absolutely NO results. I did a thyroid test earlier this year and it was fine, so no problems there. I really do not eat back most of the cals that I burn because I am not a big eater. Will give myself until the end of next week, will try tweaking some things and see what happens. And yes, I measure out some things, especially the snacks and stuff but not everything, I tend to eyeball serving sizes, but once again, I am not a big eater so I usually don't full my plate either way. People are always telling me that I would be a cheap date as I eat so little LOL. For instance, I cannot eat a burger and fries as it is usually too much for me.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    You're doing everything right. Keep doing it but give the scale a break. If you don't notice a change in your clothes or body, ask a doctor. Don't despair! There's an answer and you'll find it.
  • KayeRichards
    KayeRichards Posts: 19 Member
    You really do need to weigh everything at the beginning, it's amazing that what you think looks like 1/2 cup of something can actually be double that. I weigh every little thing. Also it took me around a month to lose anything at all, now it is coming off, I think my body just needed that time to readjust to the new eating habits. Stick with it tho. cause it is worth it to be healthy! Good luck!!
  • Divamomma
    Divamomma Posts: 66 Member
    Call your doc Stay possitive Thinking of You You Are doing Everything Right!!:)
  • C'mon girl!!! You're making healthy changes and that's what matters MOST. I took me a good TWO MONTHS before any weight started coming off. But if I have to be honest...the first few months I wasn't being 100% (i.e. I'd log MOST stuff, but not all; more often than not I'd have a couple of binge days; I over estimated exercise time and underestimated serving sizes). In the past 4 weeks I have been 100% focused on measuring everything and trying to be 100% honest in logging everything that goes in and all the exercise I do. And trust me you need to eat most (if not all) your calories AND your exercise calories.

    Fill your day with fruits and veggies and lean meats. Add in some whole grains and nuts. Try to stay away from processed foods (I know it's hard and I usually can't every day, but for the most part I try).

    And also think about how you FEEL and how your clothes FIT. Have a pair of pants that is just OH SO TIGHT and use those as a measure of your success. Are you fitting into them better each and every week (or month)? The scale should not be your ONLY way to measure success...and to be honest it's not even the BEST way.

    Just remember if your goal is to make healthier choices and BE HEALTHIER - if so it won't matter what the scale says.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I am right where you are. I was told that the first 20 min of excercise is muscle building and after that it's fat burning. Anyone know if this is correct? I figure that if it is, for me I'm not losing yet because of the muscle weighing more than fat, and eventually it'll start to get the scale lower.

    No this isn't correct. It all depends on your heart rate. There is cardio range and a fat burning range and it all has to do with your weight and age. I'm sure you can find info if you google it.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I really do not eat back most of the cals that I burn because I am not a big eater.
    Are you netting 1200 calories or eating 1200 calories total? If it's the latter then that could be the reason you're not losing weight. I don't eat back all my exercise calories most of the time, I usually just eat back enough to keep me above 1200 NET.

    And I agree with whoever said to measure everything. It's surprising how small a portion is sometimes and because we're so used to seeing humongous servings we can often misjudge if we don't weigh or measure. I was pretty shocked to find out that my "small" portion of rice was actually 2 portions.
  • I really do not eat back most of the cals that I burn because I am not a big eater.
    Are you netting 1200 calories or eating 1200 calories total? If it's the latter then that could be the reason you're not losing weight. I don't eat back all my exercise calories most of the time, I usually just eat back enough to keep me above 1200 NET.

    And I agree with whoever said to measure everything. It's surprising how small a portion is sometimes and because we're so used to seeing humongous servings we can often misjudge if we don't weigh or measure. I was pretty shocked to find out that my "small" portion of rice was actually 2 portions.

    Measuring is key! You can get a simple food scale (I saw one at SEARS for $9.99 yesterday! I've also seen ones for $19.99) sure to get one that measures in grams and ounces. (I.e. mine measures every 25 grams and then every ounce and goes up to 16 ounces...or 1 lb). I even count out my pasta noodles. If I am having pasta, I will pre-weigh the serving size (i.e. 49g's is about 60 rigatoni pasta's and about 350 calories). So when I go to boil pasta and serve the family, I only serve myself 60 of them. Keeps me honest!!! can get quite consuming trying to weight everything HOWEVER we are where we are possibly because we are eating too much! So time to get into reality and see what a real serving looks like and then log it accordingly!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!