Another Biggest Loser (closed group)



  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Well, my weekend was not as good as I had exepected to bel

    Friday= Left early from work and went to the mall...I stopped by BBQ's and ate honey basted chicken with fried green plantain (Not good) (couldln't workout neither)
    Saturday= Went to the Comic Convention here in NY and I had ice-cream and meat patties (Not good) Did walk around 5miles
    Sunday= Went to the hair salon, did my hair, but when back home I ate rice and chicken (Not good)

    So this weekend was not good in terms of exercise and dieting...However, I will make sure this week is what i call "Damage Control"
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    My challenge for this week will be to do the Elliptical...I have one at home and barely uses it...So this week that is my challenge..

    Thanks for the challenges idea! I really like how you are setting things up!!!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Now, can anyone tell me how I can post the biggest loser banner on my posts or signature? Thanks.
  • Megan5683
    Megan5683 Posts: 47 Member
    My weekend was kinda boring. Went to the park and walked 3 miles yesterday and a couple miles on friday and have been doing the 30 day shred other than yesterday and I kinda wish I had but my body needed a break.

    It's good that your weekend was good. I've never been on a elipitical but I really want to try one. To add the biggest loser thing on there I couldn't figure out how everyone else got it so I just saved the picture and added it on to my photobucket and got the code from there.

    My challenge this week i'm going to do number one. I'm going to mix it up. It should be fun.

    Good luck everyone and have fun!!
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Now, can anyone tell me how I can post the biggest loser banner on my posts or signature? Thanks.

    [ img][/img ]

    Just copy and paste the link above into your signature. Take out the 2 spaces I put before and after the img! :D
  • Soooze
    Soooze Posts: 122 Member
    It's important to rest those muscles, take a break. One day a week is good enough for me, if I take longer breaks, it's very difficult to get motivated to start working out again!

    I just spent the last 20 min reading everybody's posts and I'm happy to see I'm not the only one struggling with weekends :wink: I'm pretty good all week, until Saturday which is my day off from the gym and for some reason, I'm terrible.

    So here goes:
    Friday: Kickboxing and within calories, all good.
    Sat.: husband made delicious apple crisp and served me a huge bowl with oreo cookie ice cream :blushing:
    I had to eat it... it was delicious. But trying to stay away from the darn thing .....
    Sunday: Combat class and stayed was within my calories... until I had a stupid piece of apple crisp!
    Today: just about to update my diary. I'm pretty sure I'm within calories or even pretty low. I didn't get a chance to workout, stuck at a meeting.

    For this week's challenge, I will go with #3, eating the same breakfast all week. I guess since it started today, I will have to eat oatmeal & rasberries all week!
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    Friday went really well burned over 1000 cals.
    Saturday was OK although I think that I actually ate more cals then documented.
    Sunday was going really well until I went to steak and shake and had some ice cream. :(

    I will do challenge 1 this week I think. I will try some new workouts on On Demand through my cable.

    Who could possibly resist oreo ice cream and apple crisps? I also had a cookies and cream ice cream on Sunday.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    I apologize because I haven't post anything as of today and its already 10pm. I work from 8am to 5pm, sometimes even longer and then I head to the gym.

    First of I would like to pick Challenge number 1, if you check my Exercise I try to change a couple of the Elliptical machines from time to time, so I would like to try this Challenge first. And I might try number 3 too, I just bought myself some greek yogurt if I end up liking it I'll try to make some smoothies with it for dinner:)

    My weekend was so so. I had the flu, so I spent all my time at home and work. Nothing exciting at all. Wasn't able to go to the gym but, did some walking on saturday.

    I would love to give feedback to all of you, I am going to leave comments to some. I am proud of you all. I am glad that even that some didn't had that good of a weekend we all know we can always start anew.

    So in the mean time, here it is:
    * FaugHorn: what is C25K?
    * Kristiranee: Don't worry about it too much, as long as you know you can start all over again is fine.
    * Terihaddad: I am sorry you got ill, and don't regret your decitions, it was a bad choice, but you can always start anew. What I do sometimes is get something I like a lot and eat a little bit (I love pizza and chicken).
    * melmccabe: Awesome weekend! Love all the hours you workout :)
    *Keiora: Excellent workout! :)
    Schnugglebug: Way to go :)
    * Chicky89: that thing happens to me too. I love pasta, so I try to keep it at minimum.
    *mjsamee: I love festivals, we don't get them here at my country. You had an awesome weekend :)
    * Romping: You are from Colombia? Awesome!!! I am Latin too, Dominican Republic.

    It's weird calling you all by your nicknames, my name is Rosaida.

    Have a wonderful evening and a great week everyone :)
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I finished half of the first challenge. I was at the gym tonight and I decided to give the arc trainer a try (well I think that's what it's called). I logged it as elliptical since it's similar in calorie burn, but I got an awesome workout! Thanks for the challenge, otherwise I don't think I would have been brave enough to give it a shot (new machines intimidate me when the gym's full).

    I'm going to do the boot camp tomorrow morning so I'll have two "new" exercises in this week :) I've done the boot camp before but it's been quite a few months so I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else is trying new this week!
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member

    It's weird calling you all by your nicknames, my name is Rosaida.

    Have a wonderful evening and a great week everyone :)

    The fact that you managed to get a post in is great I love reading everyones posts makes us closer :D
    as for my real name it is Melissa :D and I am from Gatineau,Quebec, Canada (near Ottawa)
    nice to meet you Rosaida!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My name is Leigh :) Nice to meet you all. C25K is just the abbreviation for the Couch to 5K program - that is going to help me prep for my zombie 5K in May

    I love apple crisp...just had to throw that out there ;)

    So far I've got two days with the same shake for breakfast. Trying to figure out when I can do the veggie day because Fri-Sun I'll be in Texas for a wedding and there's a ton of dinners and brunches this weekend so maybe Wednesday? I wish I had waited to start the C25K because that could have been one of my "new" exercises for the week. Maybe I'll try some of the weight machines at the gym that I haven't tried before...or it's probably easier to just hook up my Netflix and pull up a couple of programs I haven't done before (it's really hard to get me to the gym!)
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    I'm Teri (big shocker based on my nickname, I know haha). I'm 30, and live just outside of Toronto, Ontario.

    I'm starting both my "new" exercises today. The first is c25k, which I've already mentioned and will start tonight. The other new thing is that I'm going to take the stairs whenever possible. Currently, I avoid them like the plague. So this morning, every time I saw an escalator, up the stairs I went. Finally, since I'm not sure if taking the stairs really counts, I'm also going to take the jump rope I bought months ago out of the package and give that a try :)
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I'm Kristi (pretty obvious) and I'm from Washington State.

    It's great to see everyone starting the C25k! I started it a couple years back and loved it. Now I just run for "a while" until I get bored with it. I should start back up the c25k so I can actually run a 5k consistently.

    I just finished my Challenge 1 this morning! Did my trainer's bootcamp that kicked my booty this morning. Hooray!

    I think I'm getting shin splints so I'll probably be taking it relatively easy the rest of the week so I don't completely overdo it. Boooooo!
  • melmccabe
    melmccabe Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All,

    My real name is Melissa and I live in Maryland. Tuesdays are my rough days at work. I teach from 7:00 am until 8:15 pm with only a small lunch break. I have been taking Tuesdays off from my workouts the past couple of weeks but today I will be hitting the gym after my class ends at 8:15 because I am heading up to Boston and Portland, ME this weekend. I'm going knock out the first challenge this evening by trying a Zumba class and I hit the stair-tread climber this morning. The stair tread climber is a new piece of equipment at my gym that I have been meaning to try. It's like climbing an escalator for 30 minutes and my knee os very sore at the moment, so I will probably only use this equipment periodically or for shorter amounts of time.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Now, can anyone tell me how I can post the biggest loser banner on my posts or signature? Thanks.

    [ img][/img ]

    Just copy and paste the link above into your signature. Take out the 2 spaces I put before and after the img! :D

    Hi, thank you so much for your help, I tried and as you can see below only the link is copied, but not the banner...What can I be doing wrong??? I really want the banner to show:frown:
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Now, can anyone tell me how I can post the biggest loser banner on my posts or signature? Thanks.

    [ img][/img ]

    Just copy and paste the link above into your signature. Take out the 2 spaces I put before and after the img! :D

    Hi, thank you so much for your help, I tried and as you can see below only the link is copied, but not the banner...What can I be doing wrong??? I really want the banner to show:frown:

    you need to add [ img ] before the link with NO spaces. also add [ /img ] directly after the link with no spaces as well. should look like this [ img ]LINK HERE[ /img ]
  • romping
    romping Posts: 64 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Now, can anyone tell me how I can post the biggest loser banner on my posts or signature? Thanks.

    [ img][/img ]

    Just copy and paste the link above into your signature. Take out the 2 spaces I put before and after the img! :D

    I got it!!! I got it!!!! thank you soooooo MUCH!!!!!!! you are the best!!!!!!

    Hi, thank you so much for your help, I tried and as you can see below only the link is copied, but not the banner...What can I be doing wrong??? I really want the banner to show:frown:

    you need to add [ img ] before the link with NO spaces. also add [ /img ] directly after the link with no spaces as well. should look like this [ img ]LINK HERE[ /img ]
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Now, can anyone tell me how I can post the biggest loser banner on my posts or signature? Thanks.

    [ img][/img ]

    Just copy and paste the link above into your signature. Take out the 2 spaces I put before and after the img! :D

    Hi, thank you so much for your help, I tried and as you can see below only the link is copied, but not the banner...What can I be doing wrong??? I really want the banner to show:frown:

    you need to add [ img ] before the link with NO spaces. also add [ /img ] directly after the link with no spaces as well. should look like this [ img ]LINK HERE[ /img ]

    I Got it!!!! I got it!!!! thank you soooo MUCH!!!! YOu are the BEST!!!!!!:happy:
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Now, can anyone tell me how I can post the biggest loser banner on my posts or signature? Thanks.

    [ img][/img ]

    Just copy and paste the link above into your signature. Take out the 2 spaces I put before and after the img! :D

    Hi, thank you so much for your help, I tried and as you can see below only the link is copied, but not the banner...What can I be doing wrong??? I really want the banner to show:frown:

    you need to add [ img ] before the link with NO spaces. also add [ /img ] directly after the link with no spaces as well. should look like this [ img ]LINK HERE[ /img ]

    I Got it!!!! I got it!!!! thank you soooo MUCH!!!! YOu are the BEST!!!!!!:happy:

    You are very welcome!

    How is everyone doing? I have been trying to keep up but I have been pretty busy between yesterday and tonight. I have completed the challenge- and in turn really loving yoga! Thinking about waking up early to do it before school tomorrow. (I already wake up at 6:30 so waking up earlier is some real dedication). We will see :D