Tracking veggies and fruits?



  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    Yep, I agree with the other posters, I still record things (especially black olives! which I also love, but aren't exactly cal free :D ) - it adds maybe 20 seconds to the whole process if I'm recording another meal or more heavy-duty calorie loads, and I think it just encourages good "honesty" habits with the whole process!
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    Track it all....
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Options beans and corn i track a lot because they're starchy and i'd like to keep track of that, but things like grapes and carrots i don't always count....or black olives. which i don't eat a ton of, but which i love.

    thoughts? opinions? thanks!

    ^^green beans are very low starch, corn high starch. Grapes and carrots both have sugar--grapes have a higher glycemic index, as does corn. Depends on what veggies and fruits you eat, and what your overall diet plan is. If you do low carb or low glycemic index diets, then not tracking some things might be more doable than others, for example.

    Ultimately, if you end up with a healthy calorie deficit, you will lose weight.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I used to have a bite or two of something and then not track it. And my loss was barely creeping down. And then it started creeping up. And now I track every damn bite of everything. I mess up occasionally on weekends, but during the week, I track 100% and I would say 95% on the weekends. And wouldn't you know it, I'm losing weight again.
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    I track everything. Even fruits can have lots of calories (like bananas for example), so if you eat a lot of it, you might have a higher calorie intake than you think.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I track it all, but mostly because I want to see how I am doing nutritionally. Calories are important to me, but not as important as knowing if I hit my marks for fiber, protein, sodium, fats, or if I go over on sugar. Watching my glucose so while apple is my favoraite fruit it is high in sugar and I nned to track it.
    Keep trying different things and you'll find what works. The best thing about logging it all is that after a bit you can start to reconcile what you are eating with how you feel and how your body is responding and then you can start to adjust accordingly.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I always track are welcome to check my diary, its primarily fruits and vegetables.
  • millionsofpeaches
    A banana can have over a hundred calories in it depending on the size... Plus the sugar and carbs.

    Why wouldn't you log it?
  • edmondskm
    I log everything.
    That apple could have the last bit of fiber I needed for that day.
    That banana (most being 100 calories) could have been what brought me over my calories.

    I'd rather either 500 calories of fruits and veggies and have that within my log then not counting it, think I have more than what I should and still logging 1200 calories without fruit
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    I track everything. You would be surprised how many calories some fruits can have.
  • atozkennedy
    atozkennedy Posts: 6 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain here. I've stopped tracking snacks of fruits or veggies. Ever since Weight Watchers said you can eat however many you want in a day, I realized that ultimately filling myself with good stuff like fruits and veggies (which I don't have copious amount of anyway) will stave off the need to snack on other things like cookies and crackers, that have no real nutritional value.

    I think if I was eating 5 apples, a pound of grapes and a bag of carrots a day I'd track it. But 80 calories here or there won't effect my overall weight and if I'm eating that apple I won't be eating another, less healthy snack.

    I think it depends on your weight goal and your time line. I want to lose weight slowly and steadily, so those random calories won't mean anything over the long term. If I'm trying to drop 20 lbs in a month, that's another story.
  • CurlyClare78
    I track them all - partly so people can see how many I'm getting and partly because my appetite is huge and a lot do have a decent amount of calories. If you get at least 5 portions it can add up. However I'm less careful on the scales with fruit and veggies - if something's over by a few grams I just record 100g or whatever or I'll just look up a banana and record that rather than weighing a banana but I'm much more careful when weighing something like pasta because those calories are crazy!!
  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    I guess I have a different view than most people - so don't yell at me. I do track everything so that I am aware of what I am eating however, that being said I am not on a diet - I am on a healthy lifestyle journey and as such I have found that I need to have something that I can eat if I am hungry no matter what. Eating fruits and vegetables did not get me to being 125 lbs overweight - lets be real. It is the mentality of eating the other trash that got me here. So now instead of thinking about eating the other trash if I am hungry I allow myself as much fruits and veggies as I want whenever I want. If I do eat the trash - which is on very rare occasions then my other foods such as breads and meats are cut down to allow for it. I also do extra exercise. I seriously doubt anyone would gain weight from eating fruits and veggies because they are very filling and you can't eat that many before you are full unlike the trash like chips that you can gobble down 500 calories and hardly tell you have eaten anything.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think if I didn't track veggies and fruit I'd be way under on calories every day.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Track everything that passes my lips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the truth is in the mirror.
  • jenfactor
    jenfactor Posts: 124
    ...just one bite of cheesecake not tracked.

    Oh, you just had to bring up cheesecake.

    lol, sorry. It was the most caloric thing I could think of offhand.
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    i track everrrrrything. even the cough drops ive been using the past couple days.
    i use my food scale usually, especially for stuff like salads.

    I tracked my cough drops too! :) And everything else... I feel like I can't eat it if I don't. Plus it keeps me honest.
  • doinme2011
    doinme2011 Posts: 42 Member
    i track everything but i do know that when i was going to WW fruits and veggies are zero points. I think it is all about knowing your body and what works for you. actually, i can go over calories due to veggies and fruits and still do fine. I am at the point that i do not lose weight due to my weightlifting but i don't gain either. just find what works best for you.
  • doinme2011
    doinme2011 Posts: 42 Member
    to me, it's not about the numbers on the scale anymore. it is about being and feeling healthy/good about yourself. I am not at my goal weight but i am able to get in those size 8 pants that i wanted to. now, on to size 6(i can get into them now but a little snug) soon i will be able to get in them comfortably even if the scale doesn't show what i would like for it to