X power lifter need info

Use to power lift, quit 10 years ago. Now I have been working out( not heavy), joint problems (knees, elbows, shoulders). Any good ideas.?Running on hard surfaces hurt, elipticals ok, light strength training a little painful.


  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    if you can swim...that's a great workout! full body and also no impact.

    bike riding? either mountain biking or road?

    yoga helps a lot too.

    walking....high incline or find some nice trails/hills.
  • SheltonMarchman
    SheltonMarchman Posts: 8 Member
    I used to do all the heavy lifts to and actually found that I had to cut them out or I began to bulk again. I am starting to incorporate boxing and plyos mostly
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Is there anything, herb shops,GNC, vitamins that I might be missing ,voodoo lol, that you can take? I miss heavy lifting...Even light weight and hi reps hurt the same as heavy weight and lower reps.
  • StarGeezer
    Is there anything, herb shops,GNC, vitamins that I might be missing ,voodoo lol, that you can take? I miss heavy lifting...Even light weight and hi reps hurt the same as heavy weight and lower reps.

    I've had bad knees since I was a kid, plus arthritis, bulging discs in my spine, etc. I recently started taking some "Joint Health" supplements, and can already tell a difference. The ones I use are made by Spring Valley (Wal-Mart carries them) and are Triple Strength Glucosamine (1500mg) and Chondroitin (1200mg). You take 2/day.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Any side effects with this supplement? Sounds great I'll check it out, thanks.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Use to power lift, quit 10 years ago. Now I have been working out( not heavy), joint problems (knees, elbows, shoulders). Any good ideas.?Running on hard surfaces hurt, elipticals ok, light strength training a little painful.

    I'm also an ex-powerlifter but I've been able to stay relatively pain free. But my last competitive weight was only 165lbs. I went up to 190lbs and now at 178lbs.

    Judging by your pic, you don't need the size. What I'd recommend is doing cardio(even treadmill walking counts) and doing rehab type stuff to the workouts (and leaving the weights alone for a few weeks at least). ie... bands, no weight squats, box jumps, no weight lunges etc. etc. Do that until you can move around with less pain.

    I've added fish oil to my daily routine. Not sure if it helps but......
  • StarGeezer
    Any side effects with this supplement? Sounds great I'll check it out, thanks.

    Some people report minor digestive issues when first starting (diarrhea, nausea, cramping, etc.) I experienced absolutely no problems whatsoever. Additionally, if you have an allergy to shellfish, check with your doctor before taking, Glucosamine is derived from shellfish.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    My last body weight lifting was270. When I quit I kept eating the same amount and swapped muscle for fat. I take Omega 3 1200mg a day. I just miss the heavy weight, doing sets of 10 now, every now and then sets of 5. Would love to do a max every now and then and thats an old pic, I will put one up when I get under 230 lbs., I'm 15 away from that goal.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Is there anything, herb shops,GNC, vitamins that I might be missing ,voodoo lol, that you can take? I miss heavy lifting...Even light weight and hi reps hurt the same as heavy weight and lower reps.

    ouch, sounds like you may have some cartliage deterioration. A diet that is too low in fat produces a cartliage loss in the body. The body produces 7 types of collagen, cartliage is a type of collagen, and the body requires fat in the diet for collagen building.

    Get your doc to do a serum blood work on your minerals Mg, Ca, Na, K, Zc. Mg and Zc are necessary as well as fat for building tissue. My friends swear by glucosamine / condroitin but from what I understand, once you get agood one, you have to take it for the rest of your life, or as long as you want it to work. It takes about 2 months for the glucosamine / chondritin to kick in.

    Best wishes, good health, happy lifting.
  • StarGeezer
    Ah yes, Jeff92se also mentioned fish oil, that's also a good idea. Promotes heart and joint health, and has excellent antioxidant qualities. I just started taking that as well. :) Make sure you get the enteric coated ones so you don't get "fish burps." LOL
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Doc said cut back on the fats so I pretty much don't eat much with saturated or any transfats. Liver too fatty so I'm trying to fix that first.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    My last body weight lifting was270. When I quit I kept eating the same amount and swapped muscle for fat. I take Omega 3 1200mg a day. I just miss the heavy weight, doing sets of 10 now, every now and then sets of 5. Would love to do a max every now and then and thats an old pic, I will put one up when I get under 230 lbs., I'm 15 away from that goal.

    When I started lifting again after taking a 10 year break, I still did the PL lifts but I just do about my warm up weights for the squat and deads. Hell I only did 185lbs on the squats for sets of 8-10 (easy) and decided to go 315 for 5 on the deads. About as heavy I'll go w/o the thick leather belt.

    I've tried more olympic style lifting as it recuits more of the body and i can use lighter weights. ie.. powerclean to an overhead press. Burns tons of calories and is a whole body workout. 135lbs is about all I can muster for a set of 6 though.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Do you enjoy the Olympic lifting more than you did the powerlifting? I miss it so bad I can't stand it, I'm 45 now so I want to do something again.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Do you enjoy the Olympic lifting more than you did the powerlifting? I miss it so bad I can't stand it, I'm 45 now so I want to do something again.

    I don't do alot of it but try to take exercises that fit into what I'm trying to accomplish now. PL is much more basal. Blood and guts. Oylmpic lifts are more technique with strength. I dont' necessarioy enjoy it. But it's newish and I think it helps my overall agility that guys at our age start to lose. I'm 43 btw.

    But seriously, it's a marathon, not a sprint. So I'd try to keep it LIGHT. Real light. Try supersetting all your lifts to get your cardio going.

    ie.. I'll do flat bench (8-10) then do pull ups (8-10), then do jump over a bench. that's 1 triple set.
    next would be dumbell flat bench, dumbell rows with lunges
    then flys, with cable rows or reverse grip pull ups and jump rope for 1 min.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yeah I know what ya mean. My bros came over Sunday and we had fun like the good ole days. 4x10x225 on the bench, 3x15x135 close grip, 3x15 flys , lat raises, shrugs, did some tri excercises . Supersets with flys closegip bench and dips, that felt good. We were gonna do some negatives but after a set I said no way. Good kinda sore the next day, made me want to do it again. I tried P90X AB ripper last night ,man thats tough, but I felt good about it. I'll keep doing that and see what happens. I told my kids I would do a 5K with them early next year.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Yeah I know what ya mean. My bros came over Sunday and we had fun like the good ole days. 4x10x225 on the bench, 3x15x135 close grip, 3x15 flys , lat raises, shrugs, did some tri excercises . Supersets with flys closegip bench and dips, that felt good. We were gonna do some negatives but after a set I said no way. Good kinda sore the next day, made me want to do it again. I tried P90X AB ripper last night ,man thats tough, but I felt good about it. I'll keep doing that and see waht happens. I told my kids I would do a 5K with them early next year.

    Yup that routine seems familar (not at those amounts though haha). Here's my thoughts. Yeah, I like lifting weights. I almost can't go into a gym w/o doing some. So to allow me to lift and to get to my goals. Lose fat, maintain as much as my muscle mass as possible:

    Pick one main lift. ie. bench, squats, deads etc..... then superset another small muscle group, shoulders, tris, ligtht back and one high intensity exercise for the sweat. This prevents me from doing one set and sitting there for 5 min before doing something else. I get 9 sets of triple sets in in 30 min and do 30 min of cardio.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Sounds cool, major body parts do like a light heavy for sets of 10 with minimal rest between say long enough for someone else to do a set. Then superset or circuit train everything after that?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Sounds cool, major body parts do like a light heavy for sets of 10 with minimal rest between say long enough for someone else to do a set. Then superset or circuit train everything after that?

    Naw. I superset everything.

    ie.. Squats, then dumbelll military presses, then planks. 1-2-3 Take a drink, wait about 1 min and do another triple set. Again, I'm not pounding out heavy sets on the lifts so I can move to one to another pretty easy. I cam drip sweat doing this. Or I'll often have to put my hands on my knees because I'm gassed.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Quote:Pick one main lift. ie. bench, squats, deads etc..... then superset another small muscle group, shoulders, tris, ligtht back and one high intensity exercise for the sweat. This prevents me from doing one set and sitting there for 5 min before doing something else. I get 9 sets of triple sets in in 30 min and do 30 min of cardio.

    Main body part, 4 sets of 10 with a minute between sets. Get done with that and do supersets, I can't give it all up. 9 sets of triple sets in 30 and do 30 of cardio sounds cool. Just don't take my fun away, lol.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    The fish burps are terrible Stargeezer.