P90X... to do or not to do?!

Natural4Life Posts: 45 Member
edited October 4 in Fitness and Exercise
I can't seem to get P90X off my mind however, I want to do it really bad but am scared I won't be able to keep up.

I currently work out every day which consists of C25K, elliptical, and bowflex, but the P90X keeps popping up in my head.

What are your experiences with P90X... any advice, support or information would be great!! Thank-you!


  • I work with Beachbody workouts and am currently following Power 90 by Tony Horton. Tony is also the trainer for P90X...he always says "do what you can and forget the rest". Just know know that you can do it! You may not be able to do all of the workout on the first day or on the 30th day...but you can do it and it will get easier. If you are thinking about it that much give it a try. Decide~Committ~Suceed!!! You have to have plenty of time to commit to the workouts as I believe they are all close to an hour long. Im personally working my way up to P90X. Good luck with your decision.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    love it. :) It has given me more changes, faster, then any other program. I have tried many things, and always come back to P90x.

    My Husband and I both do it. I am finishing my 6th round, he is finishing a round now. He did not complete his first one due to change in work schedule. So he came back later, and started over again.

    It has a money back guarantee, if you hate it, you can return it.

    All the workouts have modifications, and at first we used them all the time, and still do on some moves. We both have injuries we work around - but still have great results.

    Most people can't "keep up" at first. Thats normal. You do what YOU can do. You are not competing with anyone but yourself. And the next day, you come back and start over. You may never complete any DVD all the way through the first 90 days - thats OK. You will still see results, and now you can challenge yourself again.

    Eventually you will be able to keep up. Maybe not in the first round, maybe not the second. It does not matter. You do what YOU CAN DO. And every day you get a bit better.

    Its really a great all around program, for full body changes. If you do apply yourself - and watch your diet - you will see changes.
  • You could totally do it! There is P90X2 coming out soon too! EEK! I get totally being scared. Frankly...I am too! I'm doing ChaLean Extreme right now and LOVE IT! I'm going to do Turbo Fire next to really boost the weight loss (it's a mega fat burner!) and THEN P90X! I'm excited!! The previous poster was right...there is a money back guarantee if you don't want it...as with all beachbody workouts!! http://tinyurl.com/5tqq44h
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    I just completed P90X Lean about a month ago. I really enjoyed it, however I will warn that it's not the best thing for weight loss. I definitely toned up, lost some inches, and gained tons of muscle, but I only lost 3 lbs. in my 3 months on P90X. That may just be my experience. You may have a totally different one, but I thought I'd mention it. I still really liked the program though, so it's worth a try.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just completed P90X Lean about a month ago. I really enjoyed it, however I will warn that it's not the best thing for weight loss. I definitely toned up, lost some inches, and gained tons of muscle, but I only lost 3 lbs. in my 3 months on P90X. That may just be my experience. You may have a totally different one, but I thought I'd mention it. I still really liked the program though, so it's worth a try.

    This is incorrect. It depends on your current fitness level and size. I was 300lbs when Is started P90X. I work XXL shirts and size 44-46 pants. I lost about 30-35lbs my first round and dropped to 42 pants and XL shirts. I'm now down to size 36-38, L or XX shirts and weight in at 240. Now granted that wasn't all P90X! But it was a huge part of it.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You can do it. Just set your mind to it. You are active already, you may be sore, it may seem hard, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    I didn't lose any weight - I was close to goal already - but lost 3 clothing sizes.
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