Day 2 and need some friends! 50 lbs to lose.

Hi there. I am new and on day 2. I cannot believe some of the stories on here and am so impressed by this site. I want to lose 50 lbs. I have tried Atkins and lost but can't do long term. Also, weight watchers and did well but I just cannot afford it. I love having the MFP app on my phone and on my computer. I want to meet some peeps who I can celebrate successes with.

I am a happily married mom of two boys ages 5 and 12. I work for my husbands plumbing company from home. I am in NC. My husband and kids are very fit. I carry my weight around my midsection which is very bad for heart disease. My face looks so round and my fingers look like sausages. Need a change!

Friend me if you want to keep eachother motivated! I am a great listener!!!


  • ZCEmama
    ZCEmama Posts: 29 Member
    You can add me... zcemama if you would like.
  • Hi Im Jessica!!!!

    This is my day 1 :) Like you ive tried many diets, weight watchers, and countless other diets. I used my fitness pal on my phone a few months ago. Just got a new computer and decided to try again. I think the more support the better. trading tips, recipes, and support in general.

    add me :)
  • Hi there! I am also fairly new to the site. I think it would be great to go through this with someone. Feel free to add me!
  • traceycrapper
    traceycrapper Posts: 18 Member
    hi this is my 3rd day and i really need motivating at times cos i do sometimes eat naughty stuff .
  • surveying
    surveying Posts: 25 Member
    Hiya, i have been doing this now for 3 days. I have gone slightly over the 1200 calories a day though.

    I have also been to other slimming clubs and like you I did quite well at Weight Watchers but had to give up due to the cost. I then ended up putting a lot of weight back on.

    I am hoping I can stick to this now.

    I think this site is wonderful.