Gluten intolerance, or carb sensitive?

ok I have a question for those that are both of these things, what are you symptoms? I have been trying to figure out if it is gluten or just too many carbs because I feel so bloated and irritable and just not right. I have found that I feel worse on days I eat whole wheat bread, pasta, oats but I thought oats did not have gluten but has good carbs. Any info on these subjects would be great thanks.


  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    have you tried taking dairy out? that does it to me as well.

    also, I try to limit my gluten and since, have felt much better.

    i think some oats do have gluten...i think. the Steel cut Oatmeal I get now (Bob's Red mill) has Gluten Free and normal. So I guess some of them do...I get the gluten free ones.
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    I feel better when I am low carb, and I avoid gluten. When I do eat more carbs and/or gluten I feel sluggish, tired, bloated/gassy, and am much more likely to have headaches, as well.

    Also, although oats are technically gluten-free, most of them are processed in the plants that process wheat products. I know that Trader Joe's sells a completely gluten-free version, though.

    Good luck!
  • kiwinermal
    I would suggest getting a blood test to see if you have a gluten allergy. Oats do have traces of gluten in them. Bob's Red Mill makes a great gluten free oat. You can get them on Amazon for a great price.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    One does not necessarily have anything to do with the other. One can eat a gluten-free, high carb diet. Perhaps you should try to figure out exactly what makes you feel ill. Is it carbs? Gluten? Lactose? Certain types of foods? Types of foods eaten with or without other types of foods? The time you eat? Lack of water? Too much soda? Lack of soda? Too much water? There are any number of things than can cause food sensitivities.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    PS to the OP...nice work on your weight loss too!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Gluten could certainly cause those symptoms, but so could lactose. I'm "intolerant" of both, which is pretty common. And I do react badly to regular oats but am fine on certified gluten-free oats. Just my luck ;-)

    By the way, there are at least 2 types of gluten intolerance - Celiacs, which can be detected by a blood test (but you have to consume gluten for at least 7 days prior to the test) and non-Celiacs, which has similar symptoms but doesn't result in antibodies that can be detected in your blood.

    I've found this site really helpful since I've been dealing with this issue over the past few months:

    Good luck!
  • jocraw66
    One does not necessarily have anything to do with the other. One can eat a gluten-free, high carb diet. Perhaps you should try to figure out exactly what makes you feel ill. Is it carbs? Gluten? Lactose? Certain types of foods? Types of foods eaten with or without other types of foods? The time you eat? Lack of water? Too much soda? Lack of soda? Too much water? There are any number of things than can cause food sensitivities.

    I totally agree with this.

    I have insulin resistance. When you are insulin resistant your body doesn't metabolise carbohydrates as well. Since I've begun to only eat carbs WITH a protein I've been more successful. This includes snacks. Your DR can test you for insulin resistance and if necessary even prescribe a medication to help.