My inspiration

My inspiration, not only in things regarding body-image and health but in life in general, is all of you.
Taking control of your life and no longer letting food rule is one of the HARDEST things you will ever do. Yet you're all doing it. It may not be easy and fun all the time, but the fact that you know what your doing is what's best for you is enough.
Take a look at yourself- you may have good days and bad, but you are changing your life for the better. You may have wanted to throw in the towel a million times, but you stuck with it for yourselves and your family. That is not something to turn your nose up at- that is a huge accomplishment.
Whenever something is difficult in my life, I look to all of you- your dedication to yourselves and your health through this difficult journey is awe-inspiring. I truly believe that each and every one of you has the capabilities to accomplish your goals, and I am thrilled every time I see another post about "success stories".
To the people considering giving up for good because they aren't at the results they were hoping for, don't give up just yet. If getting the body you wanted were easy, wouldn't everyone look like barbie? I know you can do this, and I cannot wait to see your name next to a post about your personal success story.
So thank you all... thank you for the inspiration and for the knowledge that nothing is impossible.

As a side note, feel free to friend me or message me if you need support, motivation or even just to vent :D
