
Hello! I'm Shannon. I'm not normally very good at these things. Hard to keep motivated. I had a baby in May and have lost 24 lbs since then. I'm still about 7 pounds away from pre-pregnancy but then would like to lose about another 100. Baby steps though, first goal is to button my pants again!!

My husband is also trying to lose some weight (only about 20 lbs) and is supportive but I feel dumb talking to him about this kind of stuff. When we'd go to our prenatal visits I'd make him turn around when they weighed me, I was so embarassed. Having someone to talk to where I feel I can be honest and not ashamed would be awesome.


  • kaffkaff
    kaffkaff Posts: 22 Member
    I'm fairly new myself, but you've made the right choice joining MFP! Everyone is so supportive and friendly.

    Anywho, good luck with getting started!
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    Hi Shannon and welcome! I am only about a two weeks in, but I really love this site. You will find it so helpful and motivating.
    Feel free to friend me, I know it's nice to have supportive people to turn to. =)

    Good luck!