Day 100 for me!

JMehl135 Posts: 37 Member
So today marks my 100th day of logging in to MFP!!! This is a huge deal for me - I have attempted to "diet" since my senior year in high school (which was 6 years ago). I would last maybe a week or two and then fall back into my bad habits. In those 6 years I went from 140 to 173. When I started MFP I didn't take measurements because honestly... I didn't think I would do it (bad me). I started exercising more and watching my food intake...I NEVER realized how much I was eating.

Well 100 days in I have lost 16 pounds and went from an overweight BMI of 27.4 to normal BMI of 24.8. It isn't a drastic weight loss but I feel like I'm starting to have the body I am meant to have :) My current before and after upper body shots are on my profile if you want a peek. Hope I can be at least a little inspiration for someone!


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