Looking for some new like-minded friends :)

Hey all you wonderful MFPers! I have just passed my MFP 1 year anniversary woohoo! And I have met some incredible and amazing and fantastic friends.....some have come and gone and some remain strongly dedicated to their goals on this site, and I salute you!! I am looking for some new like-minded friends! I am on here every day and love to offer support and motivation to everyone dedicated to this strong positive change they are making! My fitness interests include running (a 5k race a month and then as much training as I have time for) hot yoga, yoga, dance, hiking, tennis just being super active in some way every day! My weight loss is dependent on me getting my act together with my diet, the fitness is the easy part. I have recently started to eat low glycemic-load, that means no refined/starchy carbs or sugars, basically no "white" foods but tons of fruits veggies protein lean meats dairy nuts and seeds. Its a work in progress, and my favorite binge foods are baked goods and sweets and salty things so avoiding those cold turkey seems to be the only thing that works for me. I am down almost 20 lbs with 10 more to go, and I want to fit into my size 8 graduation dress by December 16th..
SOOOOO if you have similar goals, or just want a highly motivated new friend ready to offer support wherever I can, then add me :)
Stay Strong and Carry ON!!!


  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Well this would be me!!! LOL! I am also looking to eat more like that everyday, I've run a 5k 20 years ago, a half marathon a year ago and a 10k last a few weeks ago. I also have 10 stubborn pounds to go. My stats are below and all my friends can view my diary. :) i am 38 and was hoping to find more friends my age...don't know how old you are but we have similar interests. I have only been on here 4 weeks.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    yep my diary is open to my friends as well :)
    and stats are:
    SW 174
    CW 156
    GW 145
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    feel free to friend me. i run a race a month, tried bikram yoga last month and loved it, and am down to losing the last 10 pounds.
  • o0oJadeo0o
    o0oJadeo0o Posts: 46 Member
    Hello c7eat2live ,

    You sound like just the friend I need right now. I find exercising easy because I have always been an active person......I just need to get my diet under control. You seem to have a good plan for your diet, I find it really hard to resist things like potatoes, pasta and just about anything that involves cheese.

    I am also looking for some like minded friends to compare notes with and keep motivated. I am currently trying to surround myself with people who want to live a healthy life!

    I go to the gym, do yoga and love anything at the beach...not really a runner yet but I would love to do the city to surf 12k run next August......hopefully!

    Age: 20
    H: 5'5
    HW: 134
    CW: 130
    GW: 118-120