Glasses that make you look skinny

So, I bought a new pair of glasses this weekend, and put them on today only to look in the mirror and find...

they make everyone I see look skinny!!! Seriously, like everything and everyone. I literally gasped when I saw myself in the mirror... and then took off my glasses and felt like a tub of lard.

I can't decide -- this is the best motivator ever or the worst invention of mankind?

On another note, why the heck would eyewear companies make this?! Talk about spreading body dysmorphic disorder to the masses...


  • fitaliciag
    wow, really? maybe they bent the lenses a bit too much by mistake?
  • nomorearmflab
    It sounds like there is something wrong with the lenses. you should go back. Something like this can be dangerous for driving.
  • Gretchen27
    Gretchen27 Posts: 82 Member
    When I got my first pair when I was young I put them on and I thought they made me feel short, I was a very plump child so it made me feel worse. Every time I get my prescription changed I don't dare look in the mirror from the chin down because the new glasses make me look wider. I totally know what your talking about :ohwell:
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Haha, thanks for the advice. The effect isn't super dramatic (hasn't affected hand/eye coordination at all) but I think I might wear my contacts from now on. :P