Is Dairy really the Devil in disguise?

My ultra-lean and picture-perfect ballerina friend mentioned to me the other day that I shouldn't be eating dairy if I want to lose weight. She said that I should cut it out of my diet all together for the first few months. Is Dairy really that bad? I love cheese!! She said something about humans not needing dairy in the first place? Is this true?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Never base nutritional information on the giver's physique.

    Dairy is fine if you're not lactose intolerant.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I'd say, not true.

    First, dairy is a great source of protein, and calcium, and with low-fat dairy items, can be part of a balanced diet.

    I am not a fan of any diet that advocates the removal of an enitre food group. All in moderation and balance.

    Losing weight is easy. Eat less calories than you burn.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    She's absolutely right. Humans DON'T need dairy.

    But she's wrong about dairy prohibiting weight loss. I am a cheese-hound and I'm right on track with my weight loss. :)
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Yes, it is. we do not need dairy.
  • NorthRiver
    NorthRiver Posts: 35 Member
    The only disadvantages to dairy could be repercussions from lactose-intolerance, if you have it, or the effects hormones and antibiotics in the dairy could have on the long run. But if you're not lactose-intolerant und stick to organic dairy, you shouldn't have to worry one bit. And, of course, watch your calories...
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Unless your body cannot handle dairy then it is very good for you. I personally think you should NEVER completely cut out stuff like dairy or grains unless your body can't handle it. It is a great source of protein and calcium.

    If you wanna go by the body of people...I know a family of five girls and they live on a farm and have been drinking milk straight from the cow, full fat and all, all their lives and they are some of the skinniest, healthiest chicks I know. And very strong girls. The youngest could do chin ups when she was like 9. She can outdo most people in pushups and she's only going on 13 in January. And they've been drinking full fat milk too...
  • Nope. Dairy is really good for you and according to this article from Web MD, it can actually help burn fat and speed weight loss.
  • NorthRiver
    NorthRiver Posts: 35 Member
    Do you NEED dairy? Not really. Just make sure you get enough calcium from other sources.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    okay from an anthropological point of view no humans should not have dairy BUt that being said our bodies have evolved greatly to include lactose tolerance...early hominids were ALL lactose intolerant that is where she is getting it from because any milk would actually be dangerous at that point in time to the body...but advances in science and evolution have canceled that trait out...

    BUT no don't cut out dairy! I'm with the previous posters who say not to cut out any food group as a whole. dairy is fine in your diet...but if you're like me and you're a cheese fiend maybe try cutting it a little bit hehe.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I eat cheese and Greek yogurt every day. I also enjoy milk and ice cream on a regular basis.

    Hasn't hurt my weight loss :)
  • Not at all! Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are both great ways to get protein with relatively low calorie and fat content. Like every food group, not all dairy products are equally good (or bad) for you.
  • McSnoozle
    McSnoozle Posts: 24 Member
    It's not the devil .... exactly. :)

    If you cut out dairy here and there --- maybe for a week at a time, or even just cut waaaay back, it will help you lose weight. Been there, done it. On the other hand, deprivation inevitably backfires. I find now that using parmesan (only 1/8 cup serving) and feta or crumbled goats cheese (same 1/8 cup) here and there seem to satisfy my cheese need. Or the occasional baby bel light for snack at work. You need SOME fat!

    Key for me has been measuring and being honest. An eighth of a cup may not seem like much at first, but now it seems like plenty.

    I also count/log every single thing I eat, and that includes cheese, to stay within or near my daily goal.

    The best cheese for your body to efficiently process will be from organic, grass-fed no-hormones or antibiotics cows/goats/sheep. The milk from those creatures is vastly more healthful than from industrial shoot-em-up with everything farms. :)

    Experiment. See what changes seem to make a difference for you. Hope this helps.
  • Thanks, everyone! Learned so much already :) Yes, I adore cheese and yogurt I can't imagine cutting it out completely!! My friend just made it seem as if she stays so skinny because she doesn't consume dairy products. But maybe she was just trying to make a point on moderation...especially with the cheeses!!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Weight loss is achieved by calorie deficit. What each of us needs to do is figure out how we can happily maintain a reasonable calorie deficit for a long period of time. Some like low carb, some like "paleo", some "clean, others (like myself) just like everything in moderation.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thanks, everyone! Learned so much already :) Yes, I adore cheese and yogurt I can't imagine cutting it out completely!! My friend just made it seem as if she stays so skinny because she doesn't consume dairy products. But maybe she was just trying to make a point on moderation...especially with the cheeses!!!

    She is skinny because she eats no more than she burns in calories. If she's a dancer, she probably burns a lot of calories during practice.

    Do what works for you. If you like cheese, keep it.