The fat friend

Hello internets! I'm new and yup, you guessed it, I'm that fat friend. You know the one who is funny and modest but never dateable or the one you take to the beach or pool party. Beautiful and rad but still a bit thick! so here I am, I have about 50 lbs to lose. So lets do this! cuz I can! and I'm worth it! and IT IS NOT AN OPTION. And I want to make my ex cry the salty tears of a 30 something frenchmen that has made a terrible irreversible mistake! and my mum cry the tears of a proud mum that knows her daughter is healthy. I want to fit into a size 8! I want to not knock over peoples drinks when I excuse myself from a table. or see any cellulite on my arms (YUCKY) I have impulse control problems and I am prone to depressive fits! I enjoy smoking weed and having a glass of scotch after dinner. Never perfect but honest and totes awesome! SO LETS DO THIS THING!!!!!!!!!


  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    we are twins from different mothers! I'm the 'fat friend' too - in fact, just recently got reminded of that fact. Friend me if you like
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    Wishing you all the best luck on this.

    As good as it feels to be a certain number, keep in mind, how you feel and how you feel you look is more important that that stupid number.

    As the weight comes off, that depression issue will improve (speaking from experience), and as you realize what you're doing is working, you'll have better control over what you want to eat because you want those numbers to continue to improve.

    Again, g'luck!
  • javajunkee
    You CAN do this!!!! Fat friend no more!!

    You are not alone here. There is so much support and people here are really cheerleaders to encourage you on your journey!
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome! MFP is the perfect place to meet your goals. This site has helped me lose 50 lbs so far and if I can do it you can do it! Trust me! Feel free to add me as a friend! Support is key!
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    Welcome, good luck!!!

    First step: stop smoking weed. It'll make someone NOT prone to binge eating down 3000 calories in 2 hrs
  • snwprblm
    Thanks guys! already feeling the luv :happy:
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    You can do it, take it one day at a time.
  • rrubin13
    YOU GOT THIS. I know you can do it, its your time and let me tell you, seeing that ex cry will be worth everything!!!!!!!!
  • kumba
    kumba Posts: 3 Member
    Hey girl! I am also a "fat friend." I have always been the "fat friend." Even though I am generally prettier in the face than most of my friends, the world seems to care more about the body. I just got back from a girls weekend in Las Vegas, and it was incredibly emotionally painful. They were all thin, or had gained a few pounds, or were excessively thin. I have gained about 50 lbs. since we all worked together about 13 years ago. I thought about not going, because of embarrassment, but then I don't want to lose these friends. It took me 3 days of shopping to find anything to wear (finally settled on these black stretch pants from J.Jill which cost way too much--they were my only option). I felt terribly about myself ALL weekend. And, one of my friends who has always talked down to me, because she doesn't respect me, was horrible to me. She has gotten worse, and it is because I am fat. She is the type that just has zero tolerance for anyone overweight. She had a baby 6 months ago and is already back to a size 0. I came home feeling sick that I had even gone. I do realize, obviously, that this girl isn't really my friend, but I also realized that I just can't live like this anymore. Being heavy is hurting my life in so many ways--my marriage, my energy level to deal with my 3 small boys, my friendships, the way I feel about myself. I know that losing weight isn't going to suddenly make my life better, but it definitely makes it easier to deal with what life throws at you, because your self-esteem isn't in the ****ter! I think I have become so sensitive to what people say to me, and it is due to lack of confidence about my body. Yes, people can be *kitten*, but it is much easier to deal with them when you feel good about yourself. I am tired of hiding from everyone, making excuses for not going places because I don't want to be seen, etc. IT IS NO WAY TO LIVE! I deserve to have the body that God gave me, but I also realize that I have to do my part. Day 2 for me. We'll see...
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    Yeah! You can do it! I had totally stalled on weight loss till a friend suggested this site, and in 2 months I've lost about 15 lb! I haven't been perfect either (far from it!). It's a great place!
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome snwprblm!

    I am relatively new to this site, and like you have always always always been the fat friend! AND I HATE IT! I have about 100 lbs left to lose, and it’s a struggle… but it’s definitely worth it! I can’t wait to not be the fat friend! No lie there are a few people that I hope cry (some in a mean way, some in a good way) when they realize the awesomeness that I know is inside, kinda like a block of marble getting sculpted!

    I wish you the best of luck on this journey! And I really hope that you ex cries rivers of tears!

    Your bluntness is awesome BTW!

    I’m with wickedcricket , feel free to add me as a friend too!
  • Bri_and_Oli_Mum
    Welcome to MFP.

    Ok I have a tip for you straight away, make sure you get yourself some healthy stuff for those after weed munchies, don't reach for the bag of chips, go for the oranges, apples, celery sticks etc, or make up a bowl of plain popcorn to sit and munch out on. I bet if you added up how much you eat after your smoke it will be pretty "high" (hehehe). And everything tastes great so the fruit etc will taste great too.
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    HAHA, I'm so the fat friend as well (well not so much anymore, but I used to be!) Good luck on your journey you can do it :)
  • robluvr
    Yup, I'm right there with you too! I'm the fat friend, also...I had a baby 7 months ago, and a good friend of mine had a baby just three weeks before me, and she already looks amazing and I?....well, not so much! The more I hang out with her the more I wanna loose weight! I'd love to be friends, and when we reach our goals, then we can be the skinny friends. About the whole ex thing? I totally feel you there...mine's a bit different, though, I wanna look good, because my hubby's ex is fat, and she told me that once I had a baby I wouldn't look as good anymore...I'm out to prove the ::Beeeep:: wrong! LOL
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    Hey girl! I am also a "fat friend." I have always been the "fat friend." Even though I am generally prettier in the face than most of my friends, the world seems to care more about the body. I just got back from a girls weekend in Las Vegas, and it was incredibly emotionally painful. They were all thin, or had gained a few pounds, or were excessively thin. I have gained about 50 lbs. since we all worked together about 13 years ago. I thought about not going, because of embarrassment, but then I don't want to lose these friends. It took me 3 days of shopping to find anything to wear (finally settled on these black stretch pants from J.Jill which cost way too much--they were my only option). I felt terribly about myself ALL weekend. And, one of my friends who has always talked down to me, because she doesn't respect me, was horrible to me. She has gotten worse, and it is because I am fat. She is the type that just has zero tolerance for anyone overweight. She had a baby 6 months ago and is already back to a size 0. I came home feeling sick that I had even gone. I do realize, obviously, that this girl isn't really my friend, but I also realized that I just can't live like this anymore. Being heavy is hurting my life in so many ways--my marriage, my energy level to deal with my 3 small boys, my friendships, the way I feel about myself. I know that losing weight isn't going to suddenly make my life better, but it definitely makes it easier to deal with what life throws at you, because your self-esteem isn't in the ****ter! I think I have become so sensitive to what people say to me, and it is due to lack of confidence about my body. Yes, people can be *kitten*, but it is much easier to deal with them when you feel good about yourself. I am tired of hiding from everyone, making excuses for not going places because I don't want to be seen, etc. IT IS NO WAY TO LIVE! I deserve to have the body that God gave me, but I also realize that I have to do my part. Day 2 for me. We'll see...

    We have all been here, and it is tremendously hard to overcome. It sucks that you have ‘friends’ that are so hurtful…. But that probably means that they aren’t really your friends. A friend may tell you the harsh truths to help you snap it together, but they would never be malicious to you for the fun of it.

    For me, I am there in that spiral with you. I live in South Florida, were the norm is the beach or outdoors… and that just isn’t comfortable for me. Shoot I don’t even go to the amusement parks anymore because I don’t even fit into the “fat seats” anymore, that is a harsh reality. I have very little of a social life because the majority of my friends all like to go out to the beach, boating, etc and I am incredibly self-conscious about it. The only time I ‘go out’ with them is to dinner, because well that’s easiest, and I can were clothing to hide myself.

    For me being put on meds to help prevent me from getting diabetes was my tipping point. I have been on MFP for about a month now and have lost about 9 lbs! That may not be much to some but its huge for me! I have started to work out in the gym at least 3 times a week and find that I actually like it (well once I get there, as I drive I kinda hate it! LOL)

    For me this is a whole total life change. Its changing my eating to a healthy way not a diet, its exercising my body and treating it like it deserves, and my mind – next week I start counseling, to help with all of the damage and baggage that has led me to where I am well over 100 lbs over weight.

    I will not fail this time, because this time its about me and only me. its about coming to a place were I can not only like myself, but LOVE MYSELF!

    You may be saying its only “day 2” but dammit that is awesome! At least you are doing something to improve YOU! before you know it you will see the update on your page that say ’10 days of logging’, then ’20 days of logging’, and before you know it you will see the change you desire! YOU CAN DO THIS!

  • BamaGurl47
    Fat Friends UNITE!!! hahahah... add me ..your funny.... I agree with the person above.. if your gonna smoke pot make sure you have some healthy munchies afterwords O.o just saying...
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    Welcome! i hear you about being the fat friend! i'm rapidly becoming the not so fat friend with the help of this site and its community. Somedays will be harder than others but stick with it and your sure not to be the fat friend much longer! Good luck and friend me if your interested in some more support!