Grieving chocolate cake...

New here, 40-something, trying to lose that extra 20-30 pounds that snuck up on me when I wasn't looking. I love food, I love eating and working out for me is staying up all night baking the perfect pie or learning how to make caramel sauce. I have had really big babies so a bikini body is not something that is likely to happen to me anytime soon but I would like to go out and buy a pair of jeans without crying because nothing fits.

My goal is to have a late in life baby (that is a long story) and a better BMI will improve my chances and walking everyday will help my heart last longer. I like myself and I am not hung up about having a tiny body, what I want is a healthy body and to not gasp when I catch a glimpse at myself naked in the mirror and wonder "what the hell happened to me" Seriously there are parts I don't even recognize.

My job isn't very physical but I am tired when I get home, I am going to have to struggle to put on my running shoes and walk myself silly when I get home. My hurdles will be deserts (chocolate cake sigh...) home made bread, and portion control. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.

Add me if you would like to go on a wild weight loss ride with me...sense of humor a must!


  • CondensedKelley
    I feel your pain :). Good luck on your journey.
  • razorspells
    welcome to MFP, I believe you CAN DO it, good luck on your diet and exercise. Add me as your friend if you wish :smile:
  • SkinnyLaMinki
    GOOD LUCK! I also miss cakes and cookies. But dear chocolate you, I miss the most! Add me as a friend if you want
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    HI Gabriell,

    Welcome to MFP. Why can't you have your cake and eat it? I'm sure a small piece of chocolate cake will not break the Calorie bank.

    Just do a bit of extra exercise if you really feel that bad.

    Losing weight should not be hellish ... you need to enjoy life and you can lose weight and have fun doing so without making yourself miserable and craving treats. They can be enjoyed too, in moderation :happy:

    Good luck!
  • shazzamax11
    You can diet, exercise and still have chocolate cake ;o)
    This site is great as you dont deprive yourself of anything, you just learn to eat in moderation, exercise more and take control of what goes in your mouth.
    We are all here to support each other and this site has been fantastic for that.
    Add me if you want,
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    Try thi recipie (

    Serves 8

    Per serving
    151 calories, 3.3g fat
    Preparation time 10 minutes
    Cooking time 35 minutes
    Suitable for Vegetarians

    This recipe appeared in Rosemary Conley’s Slim to Win Diet and Cookbook

    For the pudding

    100g dark brown sugar
    100g Extra Light margarine
    2 eggs
    25g cocoa
    75g plain flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    For the topping

    2 tsps cocoa powder
    2 tsps brown sugar
    2 tsps boiling water

    Cooking Instructions
    Preheat the oven to 150C, 300F, Gas Mark 2. Lightly grease a loaf mould.
    Mix together all the pudding ingredients, using an electric whisk.
    Pour the mixture into the prepared loaf mould. Bake in the centre of the oven for 30 minutes until firm to the touch. Remove.
    Mix together the topping ingredients and pour over the pudding. Return to the oven for 5 minutes.
    Serve warm with virtually fat free fromage frais and, if you wish, blueberries.
  • Gabriellsbaby
    Oh...the problem seems to be that I don't know when to stop it is easier (torture) to stay away then it is to convince myself I have had enough. There are only a few foods that do this to me and they all contain sugar. They should have a twelve step program for sugar abusers! Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  • Gabriellsbaby
    Alas...chocolate is an addiction, moderation? Yikes! it is a word and a habit I am trying to learn. Thanks for your support:smile: