Friends with fibromyalgia


I am looking to meet others who live with FMS or similar challenges. I would like to be friends so that I can pull together a group of people for chat and support. Thanks for your time.

<3 -Julia


  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I have costochondritis
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Hi Julia. I'm new to this site... but I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I'm not entirely sure I've been diagnosed correctly... but I certainly have the chronic pain and fatigue going :) Makes it hard to exercise which makes it hard to lose weight. BUT! We can do it, yes? As long as we take it slow and are patient.
  • Jeannelin
    Thank you for friending me.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I have Fibro and M.E. and I've always found it hard to loose weight in the past because of how hard it is to exercise.

    At the moment I am in a 'good phase' and have been for around six months. I've done graded exercise (it worked for me, but I'm I'm not going to pretend as some do that it can work for everyone) and a high protein/food combination diet. (montignac - but thats not how I'm eating at the moment, so don;t check my diary for ideas!!) The results are good at the moment, but I worry if I'll be able to keep up the high calorie burns, and the pain the day after is always quite intense.

    The most important thing is support. I couldn't survive without my hubby to be. At the moment he is doing all the cooking, housework etc so I can concentrate on losing the weight and doing the exercise. Any support we can get here too is great - so please feel free to add me as a friend.

  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Hi Jodye and Jeannelin. It's good to "meet" both of you.

    Jodye, forgive my ignorance, but what is graded exercise?
  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    I am so glad to find this topic! It is so hard to lose weight with fibro and I really need some advice. Please feel free to send me a friend request, I so need the support!
  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    Has anyone found out that they crave sugar with this disorder?

  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Just ran across this. I have fibro as well.

    Crystal - I crave sugar. Always have, and likely always will. I cut sweets out of my diet almost entirely for a couple months. It helped me gain some control over the cravings, and develop self-control. Hope that helps.
  • Finigan84
    I have fibro as well. I am currenty sufferring through the worst flare of my life that has forced me to quit working. I have a lot of extra weight to lose but, hopefully shedding those pounds will help me manage this pain better. I would be very happy to friend any of you. I would love to know whats working for those trying to lose weight but struggling with pain and fatigue.
  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice on sugar. I find I do tons better when I just keep it out of my diet because I have no stopping sense! :ohwell: That is hard though! Good luck to everyone!!
    The main thing I struggle with fibro is the fatigue! Exercise is a killer! But we must just keep truckin on!!

  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    I don't have fibro but a close family friend does. Every time I go home and see him he looks worse. He has gained a lot of weight, is in a ton of pain and is depressed. I tried to get him off the couch and at least take walks but because of the pain and depression he isn't up for it. I'm looking for ideas to help him get motivated. Any ideas?
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I too have fibromyalgia, I was diagnosed in 1998. I also have excess uric acid crystals in my joints, which causes a lot of pain, and as if that's not enough I have sleep apneoa! My weight loss journey will hopefully alleviate some of the symptoms.

    I do have gym membership, but i find it a lot better on my poor old joints to do aqua aerobics and swimming rather than going into the actual gym.

    If I go into the gym I always come out in some discomfort, usually in my knees or arms, but I find that the water exercise works my whole body overall, and when I do a calorie consumption comparison I've actually used more calories in the water.

    A little exercise is better than no exercise at all, that's my motto now!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I don't have fibro but a close family friend does. Every time I go home and see him he looks worse. He has gained a lot of weight, is in a ton of pain and is depressed. I tried to get him off the couch and at least take walks but because of the pain and depression he isn't up for it. I'm looking for ideas to help him get motivated. Any ideas?

    Honestly, that was me a year ago - I was chatting with Finigan84 about this yesterday. It took me moving to ITALY and being forced to eat less and walk everywhere to kick that. Now I'm going strong. I still have my days and still have my constant underlying pain, but I'm a LOT better than I was.

    I don't suggest you sticking him on the next flight to Rome, but it really is a vicious cycle. Too depressed to exercise + eating junk from the depression = more weight = more pain, stiffness, flare-ups and fogs, whereas if you just go for a short walk and try to eat healthier there's a good chance you'll have less pain.

    You have to find something that will personally motivate him. Something he likes. It sounds childish, but what about some type of positive reinforcement? :huh:
  • Capfau
    Capfau Posts: 5 Member
    sounds like a great idea! I was just diagnosed a couple of weeks ago and I am constantly looking for ideas to help alleviate pain and fatigue.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I haven't been formerly diagnosed, but I know I either have fibro, or some form of arthritis. Just taking a long walk sends me into a spiral of stiffness and pain. I also have sleep problem. I am interested in what others have to say about all this here!
  • adamiller
    I am new to the website. I have FMA, DJD, DDD, IBS, Diabetes, hypertension, Reynalds, etc. Lived a pretty active life until I had a radical hystarectomy in 2001 and didn't recover well. They thought I had cancer. Endured many tests, and the list goes on. The Diabetes was diagnosed in February after I was out of work for a month with the flu/virus. I've done most everything asked of me to recover - prescriptive medications, dietary supplements, herbal prescription Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractice, spinal injections, dietary changes and modifications, physical therapy, water therapy, swimming, etc. I should be very fit. But, I'm inconsistent and keep on trying. This new website is one of those new attempts to help me with my reporting to the dietitian and will accompany my charting of my blood glucose levels. I'm not as crippled as I was at the beginning. I had lost the ability to work due to the symptomatic complications and the need for pain management. I've returned to work since the fall of 2008 and still face multiple doctor appointments for various things - pain management, diabetic check ups, lab work, physical therapy, etc. and that's not counting sick days. It's difficult to earn a living when you have to work so hard at staying active.
  • BEL2901
    BEL2901 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, I too suffer fro FM and the fatigue is my worst nightmare. The pain is constant and so comes the depression and motivation well that just becomes a word. I was doing pretty well with my weight but broke my heel in January which left me unable to walk for months so the weight gain began. I'm back on my feet now (walking like a duck according to my son ) and I am going to try really hard and this site does help because the encouragement is always there for you. So let's all do our best to support each other and remember, only do what you can ,as a little is a lot more than none . I also have heart disease and need to watch my exercise and diet because of this. Oh the joys . A little life is better than none lol
    LET'S GET FIT! (slowly )
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Oh man! These threads move so fast. I didn't realize there'd been other posts on here :(

    Ugh... I'm sorry to hear of the struggles. I wish I had advice. I've been pretty lucky to be honest. I hurt pretty much every day, but I can function. I work and am often on my feet and moving about. I am always tired... but... I can manage that too with caffeine. It's hard because I know I could do more and be more effective if I just had more energy! But... it is what it is.

    I don't think there is any one cure for fibromyalgia or the other conditions mentioned... there are theories and strategies that work for some and not other. I haven't really found anything that helps me... except maybe yoga, which I haven't been doing lately.

    At any rate... it's good to know we're not alone, isn't it? Not that I wish anyone misery... just saying.... um... I like the company?
  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    Good morning everyone, it is nice to see the new people on here. I have just found this thread a couple of days ago. With fibro, unfortunately comes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression, anxiety, night sweats, sugar cravings, joint pain, you name it. I am currently trying to get my disability, I got tired of not having a life outside work, I was on my feet a lot and when I got home I would not be worth anything else. I found that caffeine would work for a while but the doctor told me it really makes fibro worse. I believe that because when I lay off the sugar and caffeine I feel tons better.

    I know exercise is the hard part, but if I just get a short walk in a day, I feel better.

    Good luck to everyone and lets support each other. We can do this, just one day at a time. Sometimes one minute at a time!!

  • hubbchappy
    I too have been diagnosed with Fibro recently, but have been dealing with it since 1981. It has been a long hard slog since then trying to cope with the pain and its debilitating effects. I spent a couple of years in a wheelchair back in 2000-2002. It was very hard, because at that time no one in the medical field had a clue what it was. In fact when it was finally diagnosed I laughed at my doctor and accused him of running out of ideas and grabbing the catch all diagnosis to make me shut up. He didn't laugh along. instead he pointed me to several sights on the internet that explained Fibro, and I was educated. I had major battles with depression, gained a ton of weight and felt like I was losing the battle. A chiropractor got me out off the wheelchair, and has been working on me ever since. He does deep tissue work before adjusting, and I have to say it is not enjoyable, but it has helped a great deal. In March of this year I signed up for the gym, doing very low impact stuff. I now have a 4-5 day per week routine that has helped me immensely. It is more aggressive now than when I first started and I make gradual adjustments as I go along. Not always fun, but well wort the effort. For me it has been a fierce psychological battle for many years, but I feel like I am getting on top finally.( I say that as I lay here on my bed, with a stuffy head and no will to push through the pain today. It is a bad weather day for me.) I have occasional set backs, but I know each day brings with it new opportunities. Nice to meet you all, look forward to getting to know you.