B.E.D. (Binge Eating Disorder)

irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
edited October 2024 in Food and Nutrition
So I have had a rough time the past couple weeks, going way over calorie goals...I didn't think it was a serious issue (other than lack of motivation), but i saw an article recently about binge eating disorder, and honestly, it describes me to a T. I'm wondering if any of you have either dealt with this disorder or are knowledgeable about it. i'm honestly incredibly scared and I am really worried that there is something wrong with me.


  • I spoke to my doctor only this year about my concerns who then referred me to a nutritionist but I never went.
    I've found though in the past few weeks, working out and looking at calorie and carbohydrate intake that I don't feel the need to binge as much, even if my mood changes.
    You might want to speak to your doctor and get a referral to see a nutritionist also but for me It feels like Im back on track now and don't feel like I suffer from it as much :)
    Its also hard because few people understand. But it is definitely a disorder I have had to come to terms with.
    I hope it all works out for you ! Xx
  • P.S Just noticed your screen name, I used to be an irish dancer :)
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Can you post the article. I have a tough time sometimes and binge. I’ll eat very little, or at least normal and then suddenly I’m always hungry and I NEED to eat.
  • jukramer
    jukramer Posts: 39 Member
    I have done some reading about it, and I thought the same thing - I was reading about myself. For me, it's a total loss of control. I have started to see a therapist about it.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I dunno. Personally, I don't think everything is a "disorder". Just take responsibility for your behavior, make better choices and learn to deal with the discomfort of what you feel like is hunger.

    But I don't know you at all, so I wouldn't really know. Just m y opinion.
  • brimir
    brimir Posts: 72
    I'm currently going through counseling for B.E.D. it's a rough thing to over come, I went to a 14 week group course called towards balanced eating) as well as individual sessions and I still struggle every day.

    I'm not sure if your company has insurance to see a counselor or anything but it's a good investment. I read the following book and found it really clicked. it's called life without ED. and I am about to start goodbye ED hello me, both by Jenni Schaefer.

    the biggest thing you can keep in the front of your mind is, one day at a time and just because you ate badly for one meal, doesn't mean the whole rest of the day is gone!

    If you have habits, like going to a fast food place and having 2 burgers or anything in large amounts try cutting down slowly, even if it's only ONE bite it makes a difference and will lead you to two bites and three bites less the time after, and then maybe the time after you'll be ready to order one less burger.
    keep your chin up, and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I struggle with binge eating and had an episode today, as a matter of fact. I get these weird compulsions where I just don't give a crap and want to eat anything in my path, especially when I'm going through something traumatic. In this case it's an ill grandparent that's causing my family a lot of stress. Using food to cope is something I've dealt with my whole life, and I've worked on identifying my emotional triggers to eat. Best of luck to you.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I've never been diagnosed, but I have it. I've also dealt with bulemia & underate like crazy for several months. It's a daily struggle, but there IS recovery & a better life!
  • I dunno. Personally, I don't think everything is a "disorder". Just take responsibility for your behavior, make better choices and learn to deal with the discomfort of what you feel like is hunger.

    But I don't know you at all, so I wouldn't really know. Just m y opinion.

    You can take responsibility for yourself and still have battles to overcome. Just because someone can beat something doesn't mean they don't have a type of disorder. Just because I can take responsibility for my binge eating doesn't mean I am not battling a crap load of mental issues concerning over eating. Some people have a much harder time struggling to stop over eating. Sometimes, it is a disorder. But that doesn't mean it's not impossible to overcome. Starving yourself is a eating disorder, why can't over eating be one too?
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    I used to binge eat on fast food, junk and candy all the time. But then one day I decided to make a change and that was that. Even today, I was starving and could've easily gone to a drive thru, but I pushed myself to wait til I got home. I am a little proud of this actually. I passed many vending machines at school, many drive thrus on way home. But I made it. Then had my healthy dinner. I just take it one day at a time. I try to visualize how Ill feel after I eat the crap. Its usually pretty bad. And when I do have, I try to eat very small amount. I don't think I have a disorder or anything, I just had to realize the behavior and make a conscious choice to make a change! Good luck to you all.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I dunno. Personally, I don't think everything is a "disorder". Just take responsibility for your behavior, make better choices and learn to deal with the discomfort of what you feel like is hunger.

    But I don't know you at all, so I wouldn't really know. Just m y opinion.

    For many people diagnosed with bed, it is not a case of, oh, I ate 300,500 or even 1000 calories over, boo hoo. For me, a binge session consists of eating somewhere in the range of 7,000+ calories in the matter of hours. It can be a debilitating overwhelming complusion that is as hard to control as somebody who feels the need to purge, or drink. Sometimes you don't even realize you are eating. It is often accomponied by really bad bouts of depression and such low self worth that is unexplainable. Sometimes it is done in secret because it is sho shameful and embarassing. It doesn't matter how full you are or how sick you feel, you just can't stop eating. Just because it isn't as popularized as other restricting type disorders doesn't mean it is any less serious.

    To the OP, if you are worried, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor, they can point you in the right direction to get some help. Luckily when this first came to light with me, I was already seeing somebody for anxiety and depression. The bed was treated as a side effect of that and we found it better to deal with those symptoms and the bed would take care of itself. It did... though when I'm feeling down, it still does come back. You can also learn ways to try and control it, but it is hard work and takes a lot of discipline. It can take a long long long time to overcome and the feeling might always be there, but there is help out there if you want it :)
  • brimir
    brimir Posts: 72
    I dunno. Personally, I don't think everything is a "disorder". Just take responsibility for your behavior, make better choices and learn to deal with the discomfort of what you feel like is hunger.

    But I don't know you at all, so I wouldn't really know. Just m y opinion.

    I guess if you've never experienced anything like binge eating disorder or compulsive eating you couldn't understand the struggle,
    part of B.E.D is being caught in a compulsion that it so strong you can't stop it. sometimes it's so strong you find yourself eating and don't even realize you've started to eat.... it's not always about taking responsibility for what you are eating, I tell my husband, mother, and counselor EVERYTHING I eat and I still can't always stop it, even though i am owning up to it and admitting that I did it.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    I worried about this too but changed my eating habits to something that works better for me. I eat 1 meal per day. I only eat at night, and I never go over calorie count and feel full the rest of the night.
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    thanks everyone for your responses! i may be messaging a few of you with some more questions. :)
    for those who asked, here is the article:
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    I don't have binge eating disorder but I love food and overeat it alot. It's hard to stop!
  • jukramer
    jukramer Posts: 39 Member
    I dunno. Personally, I don't think everything is a "disorder". Just take responsibility for your behavior, make better choices and learn to deal with the discomfort of what you feel like is hunger.

    But I don't know you at all, so I wouldn't really know. Just m y opinion.

    I guess if you've never experienced anything like binge eating disorder or compulsive eating you couldn't understand the struggle,
    part of B.E.D is being caught in a compulsion that it so strong you can't stop it. sometimes it's so strong you find yourself eating and don't even realize you've started to eat.... it's not always about taking responsibility for what you are eating, I tell my husband, mother, and counselor EVERYTHING I eat and I still can't always stop it, even though i am owning up to it and admitting that I did it.

    ^Yep. I have a friend who thinks eating well is all about will power. For her maybe, but not for me. Sometimes I just cannot stop myself, I hate myself while I'm bingeing, and feel guilty for days after. It's not about making a decision or taking responsibility for my behavior. It's a loss of control. And it's not about loving food (although I do!).
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    I have surpassed my goal weight but still have issues with binge eating. I had never heard of this disorder but after reading about it I realize that I my have this disorder. I eat even when if not hungry and I have a hard time controlling it. I leave the house and go shopping to get away from the pantry. I'm ok if I'm around others but when I'm alone I eat everything insight.
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    I also deal with these issues, and have been dealing with food compulsion issues since I was 12. If any of you suffering with this would like to add me as a friend for mutual support and understanding, please do so. :smile:
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    I was afraid of this very thing after doing some reading so I made an appointment with a therapist. She explained and I most definitely do not have BED, per se, but that doesn't mean my relationship with food isn't all sorts of dysfunctional. the counseling is helping. a lot, actually. It's worth looking into even if you don't have something with a scary label.
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