How to stop emotional eating

Hi all, started off the week really well, but on Monday and Tuesday just lost the plot again. My daughter is getting married in April and she rings me to say that her and her partner had had a small disagreement, so I worry about that, so I start eating while I worry. They are fine now, my daughter's fault entirely PMS!!!! But how do I stop myself from binging eating especially when I have no control over events. I feel really fed up with myself when I think at 54 years old I still cannot control myself. Anyway just typing this and feel a little better, so will be really interested to read any feed back.
Have a great Wednesday everyone x


  • judkinsjenny
    I found i eat when lonely and bored so i started doing crafts and projects at night which is when i eat/
  • rockeraxXx
    Hello, I was just talking about being an emotional eater! I am guilty as charged! When I start feeling that urge I turn on my dvd player to my 30 day shred dvd. Jillian Michaels scares the crap out of me. I also read to get my mind off of the cookie jar :)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Most of us here have had to deal with emotional eating. First you need to recognise it, which you have, then you have to work out (in advance), some other, less destructive ways to deal with your emotions. That is easier said than done, but what other behaviours can you do to cope with stress? Go for a walk, have a lie down, talk to a friend, deep breathing, cuddle a cat (ok so I'm a cat-lady).

    Like Jenny, I have some crafts I like to do to help allay the boredom at night. Remember the quote "if hunger is not the symptom, food is not the cure".

  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I clean and try to distract myself. I'll call someone, clean the house (laundry, dishes, sweep) I find if im alone, I tend to watch tv alot and when I eat tv (or get on the computer) I eat. So, I make a point to get on MFP when I get on the computer and make different tabs for whatever it is im doing.
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    dont buy any food that'll give you massive calorie overload if you binge-not even cough drops lol
  • dngauthier24
    I've found that when I start to feel the emotional eating or bored eating coming on I think to myself "Is this really what I want?" I then have a glass of water. And after this I usually don't have the urge to eat anymore. And if it's still there it's not as bad and I usually decide on something healthier like a fruit or veggie.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    I like what judkinsjenny said. This is a great way to get your mind off food. I know when I start sewing I forget to eat sometimes-haha.

    That being said here are some other things: You can channel your stress in a different way, instead of going to food, do some squats or find a hobby. Next is a great one, first-before you put the food in your mouth say to yourself-STOP, then ask-why am I going to eat this?, am I hungry?, do I really want this?

    You can also make a written food journal, not one where you log calories. Just log the food you eat. Then on a scale from 1-10 rate how hungry you feel. Then make a column where you write why you ate that food and what you were feeling at the time.

    Sounds like a lot of work, but a few suggestions for you. I hope you can find something that works for you!
  • Jennalambeth
    Try doing some deep breathing each morning when it's quiet. I find it just takes the edge off stress, and allows you to combat that instant reaction to grab comfort food I grew up eating for stress, sadness and to celebrate...we ate! So I get it girl...but it's about changing those bad habits and thinking about how crappy you will feel after you blow the hard work from the day before. Now if you do "fall of the wagon" per say...just exercise a little more that evening or the next day. It's not about being perfect it's about making better choices. Try a sugar free frozen yogurt with some almonds, or hit a spin class. Trust me you will feel a lot better after!
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    It's really hard. Take it day by day. The first time you make that conscious decision the easier it'll get. Key word "conscious decision." Before you grab for food take a deep breath, *slow down* and think about why you are about to eat. Make the decision not too. It is a decision and you DO have control even if/when you don't feel like you do. After you make the decision not to eat - do something you love.
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    I think you provided yourself a tool of your own:

    "Anyway just typing this and feel a little better..."

    Sounds like you may just need to get some things off your chest now and then. I (and your other friends) are just a message away.


  • chatswithpets
    chatswithpets Posts: 27 Member
    If I'm feeling down, I'll take the dog for a walk...she has such a happy wag, and the smile on her face always perks me up.
    I'll crochet to stop the boredom, plus I usually get so into what I'm doing that I have to be reminded to eat.
    Phone a Friend!!
    I also keep a journal, where I can do all my moaning, complaining and name calling. :)

    And when I really feel the need to give my mouth something to do.....Gum Chewing! This works for me when I'm driving and
    helps eliviate some of the stress.
  • arkisi
    arkisi Posts: 1
    When I'm having a major down/worried moment, I take a square of chocolate and eat it in small bites, letting each one melt in my mouth. It takes a while, and if I try to relax during it I'm a lot calmer afterwards..... It's still emotional eating, it's just altered for dieting : )

    If you're just fidgety and a bit worried, take a walk or go somewhere. I second the crocheting as a good distraction! If I'm both fidgety and don't want to move, I chew gum, but it usually helps a lot more to get out of the house.