foods to say NO to..

i grounded myself off of bacon, mayo & regular soda.
what are food sacrifices have YOU made?


  • Celiamariec
    Indian curries and Coke!
  • ShanaJo87
    ShanaJo87 Posts: 76 Member
    PIZZA! my love!!! but i can still eat my FAVORITE pizza!! Spinach and Mushroom!!! i found that out today and was pretty excited! But i will miss all pizza!

    Also I am a HUGE dr pepper drinker... i haven't touched dr pepper for almost a month now. It makes it all the more harder when your boyfriend works for dr pepper!
  • livingdeadgirl83
    ive cut out all white breads and snack foods - only snacks im allowing myself are fruit and yoghurt.. doing well so far!! about 4 weeks in :)
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Pop, chicken wings, chinese food.

    I'm having a hard time with chips, though. I get really bad salt cravings so I've limited it to a once-a-week treat, but I know in my head it's too much. IT'S JUST SO DARN HARD!
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    None of them

    Anything is fine in moderation.

    "Avoid food avoidance" ~ Alan Aragon
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    French Fries, definitely. For some reason I've always really been fond of a thick french fry.

    Also, buffalo chicken sandwiches with cheese. My favorite thing ever :(

    Goodbye goodbye good byeeee.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I haven't cut anything out.

    Granted, I don't like soda anyway, and haven't had one in probably 20 years, and I avoid partially hydrogenated oils and corn syrup/sugar, but I eat everything you guys have listed other than soda.

    I think you can succeed by still having your favorite foods -- just plan for them and work them into your calories.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I pretty much eat what I want, although I did make some major changes to my diet in the beginning.

    I still eat bacon, mayo, cheeseburgers, fried chicken, etc. I just keep the portion sizes under control and mostly cook it at home to control what goes into it.

    The only thing I cut entirely was soda, which was more for health reasons than dietary.
  • brooksaceb
    brooksaceb Posts: 115 Member
    Lays honey barbecue chips, any filled donuts, and snicker ice cream sundae from baskin robbins

    It was hard during the summer because i passed the Baskin Robbins everyday coming from the gym
  • ginalorenzi
    ginalorenzi Posts: 1 Member
    i agree with PB67,

    sometimes completely banning yourself from foods makes you want them more, so you'll be more likely to cave and go overboard. I have a major sweet tooth so I'll eat maybe one or two bites of something sweet just to get the taste ive been craving.

    ps, diet soda is SO bad for you! so much aspartame, very unhealthy.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    ive cut out all white breads and snack foods - only snacks im allowing myself are fruit and yoghurt.. doing well so far!! about 4 weeks in :)

    same. i can't have flour (cookies, bread, crackers...anything)..just makes me want to eat more and more and more and more! i'm like the cookie monster when it comes to flour. i can only keep around fruits and veggies or foods that you have to cook because otherwise i will just eat and eat and eat..
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member
    Regular soda. And I don't really like diet, so I don't drink anything but water for the most part.
  • AwesomeWinner
    Couple of Tips..
    - If you're having salt cravings, try eating 16 pretzels! they're pretty good for a snack. - Pretzels, hard, plain, salted, 1.5 oz 162calories & 34grams carbs...
    - A good thing for soda/soft drinks is replacing it with carbonated mineral water...
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    I've not cut anything out completely, just trying to be much smarter about it.
    Chinese food is my weakness, any kind any place any time of day. I'm making the effort to not have it as frequently as I would like (uh, daily!) and get things with more veggies in it (think Mushu Pork/Chicken instead of deep fried almond chicken).
    Sweets happen, but at the end of my day, not as snackage and in a moderate amount (skinny cow icecream vs a full blown sundae)
    Pizza too...thin crust, 2 slices NOT 1/2 the Large Pie....Too much of anything with higher fat now makes my tummy really upset, I haven't had fast food in 3 weeks and died this weekend when I got chinese takeout and ate lunch and dinner Fri-Sun on chinese...
    Know your body, know your limits, health is a lifestyle not a quick fix diet where nothing ever gets to be eaten again.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Nothing, because I'm eating how I plan to eat for the rest of my life. And I'm not living the rest of my life banning certain foods from my diet.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Wine and cheese.....I'm an all or nothing person so it works to just cut it out and have it every now and then.....when I do OH BOY do I enjoy it....not the hangover though...:o(
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Bacon is my only real one I've said no to. I don't eat it that often anyway, but now when we go out for breakfast at a cafe I've taken to ordered the vegetarian breakfast, so it's still lots of yums, but without bacon :D
  • KaedenRose
    I haven't really cut anything out except for booze. I used to go out and drink frequently with friends I haven't gone in over a month now and don't keep that stuff in my house. I totaled my car reciently which has made the change easy. We'll see what happens when I start driving again.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I don't buy anything from before that I would eat the whole package of. Packets of chips, Shapes, Tim Tams, chocolate and pizza. I've been experimenting with the chips and shapes, making portions of chips and buying the little snack packets of shapes. I just didn't do so well. When I can trust myself not to eat the whole lot, I'll buy them again.
  • janey2607
    janey2607 Posts: 64 Member
    Avoiding pasta like the plague unless I want to look like Will Smith in Hitch when he has the allergic reaction. It makes me bloat like a puffa fish!!