
Name's Curtis. Need to lose weight for a couple of reasons. I'd like to someday have at least a small chance with the fairer sex, for my health, and because if I don't my best friend will come to my house and beat me with a rubber hose. She's very mean like that sometimes.


  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    if I don't my best friend will come to my house and beat me with a rubber hose. She's very mean like that sometimes.

    Rubber hose, blah, allergic to rubber, I will beat you with a wiffle bat!
    I am happy you are on here and looking for the support and the getting into shape and what not! Everyone send him a friends request! Lots of support is always good :D
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    I'm not the most actively supportive friend but I'll def be there for you when you need...I just don't have time for the daily postings. I sent a request anyways. = ) You've already take the first step to a new healthier you. Just stick with it no matter what...that's the most important part. There will be ups and downs but you must keep going! Goodluck! = )
  • sarahl4s
    sarahl4s Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new too! Let's be friends :) Message me whenever!

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