For the ladies!



  • svanhoecke
    Dark chocolate is the best. I used to hate it, but now I love it. I have 1 Ghiradelli 60% dark chocolate square almost every day lol. One of them is 50 calories. 1 is enough usually since it's so rich.

    Also, hershey kisses are good for portion control, too. Just grab 4 or 5 and you can still stay under 100 calories.

    Drink sweet drinks with 0 cals like Vitamin Water Zero and Sobe.

    Chocolate protein shake mixed with ice and if you reallllly want something yummy add a fiber one brownie to the blender when no one is looking. Brownie milkshake, healthy style.

    Betty Crocker Warm Delights- 150 Calorie portions. The caramel ones are ridiculously delicious.

    Skinny Cow ANYTHING. The chocolate truffle bars, ice cream sandwiches, and ice creams cups. Soooooo good.


    For salty I like Pop Chips, Special K Chip Crackers with sea salt, or pretzels with hummus.
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    I feel your pain on this! I have a hard time during my TOM and on the weekends. I do great all week long though. I always give myself ONE day out of the week to go crazy. It seems to give my body a punch and shocks it. However, the last three weekends, I have litterally made myself sick due to all the CRAP I ate............ I try my best to replace candy/chocolate w/ healthy snacks such as: rice cakes w/ honey, apples and peanut butter, veggies w/ ranch or veggie dip, peanuts, cashews, almonds (emerald has some good dark choclate covered ones). I don' t normally deprive myself of anything, if I want a cookie or something I will have just ONE to satisfy that craving. Mainly because for me personally, if I don't satisfy it, it will linger and eventually I will give in and have more than ONE or TWO....

    What it boils down to is having willpower, which we all have otherwise we wouldn't have gotten as far as we have. I too have taken a long time to lose 90 pounds, I started my journey with weight watchers in 2008. Sometimes, sadly we may lose our willpower and it may take time to find it again! I KNOW you can overcome this hun. Find your MOJO! :-)

    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Ok Ladies .... First of all, that time of the month needs to be addressed ... since we are already slightly annoyed at everything, we don't want to deprive ourselves of comfort foods. Question ... what is the nutrition on a bag of curtons ? ( Mind you I have no idea what those even are ! lol ! ) ... You have to allow for your daily goal to have these in it ... don't look to lose weight for 1 to 3 days .. maybe more for others ... our bodies all react differently. Forget about ALL the right foods and try to have a nice combination of things you love and things that love our bodies ! ie ... I love carrots and peanut butter, edamame and chocolate ! Yes ... that is a splurge for me ! Sooooo .... I get out 5 dark chocolate Hershey Kisses in the morning and put them on the cupboard ... thru out the day I take one to satisfy my craving. I also like to walk / ride everyday ... so exercise helps big time ! More calories burned = More food allowance. Just don't go over your calories allowed / burned for the day.

    Weekends ... it's all psychological, a mind game. Weekends = Freedom to most people. So don't stress it ... enjoy your weekends out and about ... eat less of a splurge and add more veggies ... exercise, exercise, exercise ... I can't say it enough ! You can basically splurge on anything within reason and be able to burn it off !

    Just remember .... 3500 Calories burned = 1 Pound lost. It really is that simple ! :)
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    I don't crave anything more when im on the rag. i just crave ALL the time and to me, thats the same thing. its just as hard when having my period. this is one problem i dont have ! lol wow!! yay. i didnt know it existed. but the weekend thing, yes. we go have dinner with my inlaws on sundays at their house and i swear, she puts out muffins and crap like that on purpose and then laughs when i eat 2, knowing i will gain weight and she will always be skinnier. B&^%(!! I DO alow myself a little flexibility though so the hubby and i can have dinner together or something like that. maybe an icecream treat together. the 1/2 the fat ice cream is really yummy. The thinkg to remember is that you have to have a calorie deficite of 3500?? i think to lose a lb in a week. so think about that before you eat a package of cream cheese with that bagel. thats what helps me. plus you can walk it off. that will give you some cals to use later. also, someit es if i need to, i skip breakfast, and eat lunch around 12 or 1. then have a snack around 3 or 4 and then dinner. that leaves me with a lot of cals to munch on if i need to.

    NEVER skip breakfast ! That's the most important meal of the day ! Most of your calories should be consumed between breakfast and mid afternoon ... I am not saying this because it is my opinion ... I am simply stating the facts about having a " Healthy " lifestyle. For one brief moment ... forget about losing the weight ... Eating a healthy breakfast not only stimulates your brain, jump starts your metabolism ... it also determines how you will feel through out the day. I feel very strongly about this ... sorry if I offend anybody. We all need to do what works for us ... just don't deprive your body of essential needs to function appropriately. :)
  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 95 Member
    I have the mobile app to help me on the weekends - it's really great to be able to pop my phone out of my pocket and log it in right then. As far as staying on track during that time of the month - just limit yourself. If you want ice cream, have it. But instead of a whole bowl have 2 scoops.
  • Meggy247
    Meggy247 Posts: 77 Member
    I love this post. That is all. Thanks for all the great tips ladies!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Try whole grain baked chips or crackers, portioned out, for salty snacks. Try the following recipe for an ice cream like treat.

    Slice up a couple of really ripe bananas, lay them in a tray lined with parchment paper and freeze them for a good couple of hours. Once they are frozen hard, put them in a blender or food processor, pulse them a few times, then let them whip until the bananas become completely smooth, the consistency of hard ice cream. Add two -four tablespoons of cocoa or peanut butter, or both! Add a little honey if you need more sweetness. If the bananas are really ripe they should have enough natural sugar.
    So good, and healthy to boot!

    I tried burning calories before I snack on craving foods, really had to think if the calories were worth the extra work.
    Also, don't match bite to note with men. They burn up to a thousand calories more and don't get the extra layer of fat at puberty that girls do. It ain't fair, but that's the way it is. You can eat the same foods, just smaller portions, and if you're like me, don't gorge on bread and mashed potatoes and pasta. I like me some carbs.
  • Fockertots
    I just make it a point to keep the weekends as regulated as I do my weekdays. I still try and eat around the same time of day, eat the same type of meals (especially left over meals from the previous week) and if I want to eat something extra, some sort of indulgence, then I just accomodate for it by doing something active.

    Ex: This weekend was my a family baptism and I was forced to eat delicious mexican food and take celebratory tequila shots (forced, I know, ha ha) so I took the initiative to start a dance off with the kids in the backyard.

    As far as lady bizz time goes... I don't have cravings as much as I see myself eating more to harness my emotional craziness. So for those days, rather than pack a meal for lunch, I'll allow myself several healthy snack foods since I know that I'll just end up snacking all day anyway. Like instead of bring a meal and then going to the gas station to get junk food also, I'll just bring little 100 calorie cookie bags, apples, bananas, baked lays, a LOT of Crystal Light, etc.

    I don't know if that'll help anyone or not...
  • ajr050969
    ajr050969 Posts: 20 Member
    Get even by NOT eating all the crap your mother in law puts out. Get even by being healthier. When you want to eat the muffin or whatever, chew gum, drink water, offer to help prepare something so that you stay distracted. Don't let her win, you are stronger! :happy:
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    I find that exercise helps me big time! Exercise is a mood elevator and it also reduces my cramps and cravings. Also, it gets me out of the house where the fridge can't get me.

    On weekends, I try to stay away from the house as much as possible, and stay away from places where food is being served. I use the mobile app to record every single thing I put in my mouth, because little nibbles add up quickly. I keep already-cut-up salad fixings in the fridge so if I really wanna indulge, I can make myself a huge salad in seconds, and enjoy guilt-free noshing.

    Hope some of this helps!
  • CharityEaton
    Here are a few things that help me.
    1. GUM is my BFF
    2. when I have a craving.. depends on where I am and time of day. @ work, I pop in some gum, do pushups, squats, lunges only like 10 or so cause I gotta get back to work. drink some water. @ home, go for a walk, ride, drink water. something to get my mind off it.
    3. talk to an accountability partner. not an enabler. take a look at how far you have come.

    YUP! Gum is the best! I chew gum non-stop!!! But still have to have my chocolate too! I like the Fiber one 90 cal. brownies! Not as good as the "real deal" but they do help with the chocolate cravings!
  • CharityEaton
    Thanks for all the tips Ladies!
    This weekend was AWFUL for me due to that time of the month! I ate 12 cookies on Saturday! I knew I shouldn't have so I went for a bike ride with the kids and still didn't stop on the cookies(12 was the total number...not more after the bike ride).

    I haven't had such horrible cravings in a long time but it hit me hard this month!!!
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    personally i think treats are okay on your time of the month but in moderation. it's good to think of sweet and at least partially healthy alternatives that can satisfy your sweet tooth. i enjoy things like fruits, kettle corn, and an occasional brownie when i really need one. another good thing to do is look up healthy dessert recipes. i've made healthy apple cake, nutella brownies, and other such recipes that keep me low on calories and happy as far as my cravings go.

    as for people not saying anything to you about your weight, some people think that commenting on something like that is rude. personally i enjoy when people tell me i look good but when i want to tell other people i feel like i'm being rude in saying they looked bad before or something. [i don't know i'm contradicting]

    it is important to stay healthy and i know it's important to lose weight but as all us girls know, you can't always deny the cravings. its your brain's way of telling you what it wants. an occasional treat won't hurt. plan it into your daily diet and you can work it out :]
  • NicoleMensigg
    NicoleMensigg Posts: 40 Member
    You know...this could be the reason! I had someone mention to me yesterday, "WOW you've lost some weight!!!" What's the first thing I said, "Nah... not really, still have a long ways to go."
    Well...what for! Why didn't I just say, THANK YOU! I've been trying and I'm so proud of how far I've come, sure it's not easy but it's getting better!"

    Nope, we have become so used to turning down compliments and therefore we have just started believeing them. Today I took one look in the mirror and I didn't cringe! For the first time in some time and that feels really good to me!!! Next compliment I get, I'm going to agree with them!!!