I need help with a power breakfast



  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    did u say you get hungry after a few hours (meaning 2-3 hrs) after eating your breakfast???

    Honey, that is normal! You are supposed to eat every 2-3 hrs. If you are hungry, by g*d, eat something little.

    I eat oatmeal and wheat bran with source yogurt in the morning and by 10 am, I am ready for another snack which is usually an apple.
  • betterme
    betterme Posts: 54 Member
    I usually have two Nature's Path Flax Plus Waffles (which have 200 cal, 6 g fiber, and 5 g protein for both) with 1 TB. jam with no sugar added (sweetened with fruit juice). I love the Trader Joe's brand of jam! Only 30 calories for 1 TB! (plus it's organic too). I love this because it's so quick and I am always too tired to cook in the morning, but starving!

    At around 10 am I have 12 raw almonds. This holds me until lunchtime. I agree with the person who said you are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours. I usually have a snack mid morning as well as mid-afternoon.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    did u say you get hungry after a few hours (meaning 2-3 hrs) after eating your breakfast???

    Honey, that is normal! You are supposed to eat every 2-3 hrs. If you are hungry, by g*d, eat something little.

    I eat oatmeal and wheat bran with source yogurt in the morning and by 10 am, I am ready for another snack which is usually an apple.

    Totally agree, you Should be eating every 2 - 3 hours. Have a snack between your breakfast and lunch.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    4 egg whites
    1 oz cheese
    6 cherry tomatoes
    1/4 avacado
    tbsp jalapenos
    and lots of water

    I eat at about 7 and find that I am hungry about 3 hours later so I just pack an apple and that usually takes care of it until lunch!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Quinoas with flax seed, all spice, hazelnuts topped off with some vanilla soy milk
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Sometimes instead of the "regular" breakfast type foods, I'll have a bowl of beans. Depends on what your stomach feels like I suppose, but I got used to this when I lived in Guatemala. Except it was beans with eggs.
  • Christy421
    i usually eat oatmeal and some type of fruit, or a slim fast shake. i stick to about 300 cals at breakfast, no more. cereal usually doesn't work for me cause i'm just STARVING so soon after eating it. this is because foods like cereal are quick calories. incorporate some thigns like yogurt, and oatmeal...they'll keep you full longer :o)

    and honestly, the slim fast shakes really fill you up! try those too!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Yum, these are some great suggestions for breakfast. Thanks!

    I usually go simple and quick - soy milk with some protein powder, homemade granola and yogurt, or a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter. This morning the kitchen in kinda bare so I'm just having 8 almonds and water, and will grab some OJ and a Clif KidZ bar when I get to work. But I rarely get really hungry unless I forget to eat until 2.
  • Panthera
    Panthera Posts: 23
    I have two pieces of 100% whole wheat toast with light Laughing Cow cheese wedge spread on it, a glass of skim milk, and an apple. Nutricious and delicious! And only about 300 calories.
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    a high protien breakfast will stick with you. ..

    1 Morning Star Breakfast Pattie
    Egg Whites
    Fat Free Cheese

    Or sometimes I throw in some toast and make it more like a McMuffin.

    But it is best to eat every 2-3 hours.
  • rhondababy
    rhondababy Posts: 119
    Here are my usual breakfasts :

    lowfat cottage cheese on two slices of Orowheat "High Fiber" toast

    oatmeal with a whole, small apple grated into it while it cooks, with 1/2 cup of plain lowfat yogurt

    1/2 cup egg whites with green onions, fat free feta, red peppers, mushrooms, 1 piece high fiber toast

    1 cup Special K with Red Berries w/ 1 cup non fat milk.

    These all keep me full for about 3 hours- the Special K is the lest filling. The cottage cheese on toast really stays with me. I usually have a cup of tea, and sometimes I have a cup of Light juice- like white grape, or cranberry (not many nutrients, just crisp and refreshing, and only 40 cals).
  • twingle08
    twingle08 Posts: 40
    The other thing you can do it put 1-2 tsp of flax seed into your oatmeal. It has a ton of protein and will get you through to snack time. I just learned as well that adding protein powder to your oatmeal (half of what the mixture says...ie if it says add 2 scoops to water, add 1 scoop to your oatmeal) is yummy and good for gaining that extra life from your breakfast!I haven't tried it but it gives the oatmeal a nice vanilla flavour!!
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    These were some awesome suggestions. Personally, I have either oatmeal or a high fiber cereal or a mini bagel with cream cheese but I always have an apple. It's just a few more calories and fills me up. But do eat a snack of about 60 to 100 calories in the morning, 2 - 3 hours after breakfast. I usually have yogurt or a special K snack bar.
  • DianneLynn
    DianneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    I agree some awesome suggestions...I do a 1/4 cup of steel cut oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of unsweetened applesauce.

    I some someone suggest peanut butter and Thank You..thats a great idea!!!

    Traditionally, foods that will hold you over are those high in fibre & protein which makes oatmeal the perfect food:laugh: (fibre is slow to digest & protein wards off cravings)

    *(I can't eat regular instant oatmeal. For some reason the consistency makes me gag. The steelcut oatmeal is so much better in my opinion and the beauty of it is that you can make it up ahead of time, store it in the refrigerator, take your 1/4 cup out each morning, top it with 2 tbsps. of applesauce and zap it in the microwave...et voila instant breakfast.)