Females - has your body done this?



  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Ever since I started exercising and eating healthier, my cycle actually has improved greatly. I am so very regular now (every 28 days) and it is much lighter and for shorter duration (4 days). Totally love it. I do find that I have heavy cramping pains during the 1st two days (which I didn't have before), but other then that, losing this weight has really regulated everything.
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    Mine is a mess. After a hard workout I spot now. My periods are heavier and longer( same BC for 7 years?!?!?!?) I was getting ready to call the Dr. Not sure what is going on with me. Anyone have any ideas?? And I'm always cold now...I have never been cold in my life!!!????

    Amy, these symptoms can also indicate a drop in your thyroid production. If you google low thyroid you'll get a whole list of symptoms common for it and can decide if any others apply to you. It's not related to your workouts but could be a possibility.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Breast tenderness and spotting can be a sign of pregnancy too. Did you do a pee test?
  • littleenginethatcan
    My cycle came late, I had more cramping this month for some reason, and only lasted three days. It was much lighter than usual as well.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    Mine is a mess. After a hard workout I spot now. My periods are heavier and longer( same BC for 7 years?!?!?!?) I was getting ready to call the Dr. Not sure what is going on with me. Anyone have any ideas?? And I'm always cold now...I have never been cold in my life!!!????

    I'm freezing all the time. So's my mom - we're on similar weight loss journeys. I don't know medically why that is, but we both just chalk it up to having less fat to insulate us. LOL.

    That is what I was thinking about less fat insulating you! LOL

    That's what I think..the fat was keeping me warm!!!!
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    Mine is a mess. After a hard workout I spot now. My periods are heavier and longer( same BC for 7 years?!?!?!?) I was getting ready to call the Dr. Not sure what is going on with me. Anyone have any ideas?? And I'm always cold now...I have never been cold in my life!!!????

    Amy, these symptoms can also indicate a drop in your thyroid production. If you google low thyroid you'll get a whole list of symptoms common for it and can decide if any others apply to you. It's not related to your workouts but could be a possibility.

    Thanks...I will!!! Right Now!!!
  • Lesley2800
    I know when my mom was sick and had her hysterectomy she didn't have to go on hormone replacements because her doctor said fat cells have hormones in them (she was very overweight) so logic would tell me that losing weight loses some of your hormones so your hormones would be different.
  • tisamg
    tisamg Posts: 62 Member
    Mine is a mess. After a hard workout I spot now. My periods are heavier and longer( same BC for 7 years?!?!?!?) I was getting ready to call the Dr. Not sure what is going on with me. Anyone have any ideas?? And I'm always cold now...I have never been cold in my life!!!????

    I'm always a lot colder now too! I have wondered if its because my body is not metabolizing as much food as it used to.

    As for my period though... can't say i've seen changes. However I've always been very active since childhood, and have always had a regular cycle that you could practically set a clock to. :P Right now I'm trying a new BC so I just attribute any differences to that. :)

    I'm cold all the time, too. I attribute it to a lower resting heart rate, which is from exercising regularly and eating healthier... and not as much insulation :laugh:

    TOM changes can be normal... I'm 44 so I'm expecting everything to be all messed up anyway. My PMS has gotten worse and I cramp more now. The good thing is that if I exercise the cramps go away and my PMS subsides. Definitely something to discuss with your Dr.
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    I know when my mom was sick and had her hysterectomy she didn't have to go on hormone replacements because her doctor said fat cells have hormones in them (she was very overweight) so logic would tell me that losing weight loses some of your hormones so your hormones would be different.

    Exactly! I am hoping my skin issues clear up without going back on the pill. Also, feeling cold could be related to nutrient deficiency. I think remember something about Vit. D talking to someone at the hospital. Just because we are eating less and taking a multivitamin doesn't mean our bodies are metabolizing what we have in the way we need them too. So many pieces of the puzzle depend on other pieces to be in place first for proper functioning.