Morning versus after work at the gym

I've decided that morning workouts aren't for me. I've made it 2 days this week, waking up at 430 to get to the gym by 6. By 8 I'm at my desk with my eyes crossed trying to not fall asleep. My hope was that it would get my day started and give me more energy, FAIL.

I was wondering if there really are any advantages to going to the gym in the morning vs. after work -- Physically or Emotionally. Would love to hear anyones opinions!


  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I find some days if I workout in the morning its better, but on days I have to start work @730am, I do a workout in the afternoon.
  • ymvestal
    I have issues getting up in morning to do it also. I started doing it right when I get home from work before I start dinner. That way I am good and hungry for dinner but I get my workout in, too.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I used to get up and go before work and I found that it actually did give me more energy during the day. Of course, I was ready for bed by 6pm each night so that might not work for everyone. :bigsmile:

    I find that when I get home from work I make up all kinds of excuses not to work out. I don't know that there are any real advantages one way or the other. I think it's more of when you have the most motivation to do it. The more motivated you are, the better you will work out. So, do what time works best for you!
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I don't think there is any specific reasons why one is better, I think its just for the individual person. If you are twice as drained by the time to start your day then go in the afternoon. It doesn't matter to me one way or another when I exercise as long as I get it done. I usually do it in spurts throughout the day because I am a stay-at-home mother and most of my time I am running around with a baby, can't bring that into the gym,
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    I think it just depends on what works for you. I'm a morning person, so I love an early a.m. cardio workout. It wakes me and energizes me throughout the day, I'm at my best in the early morning. I prefer to do weights/strength at night. Cardio keeps me awake too long at night, weights wear me out. It all depends on your schedule and your internal clock.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i say do BOTH! 2 adays until the morale improves!
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    I'd say that you should do what works for you. I've heard that it's better to workout in the mornings because you are burning the food/fat from the previous day and your muscles will continue to burn calories throughout the day, but it will also do the same as you sleep at night. I personally can't go to the gym in the morning because I have kids and I workout around 8pm because it's the only time that I can fit it into my hectic schedule. Keep up the great work!
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    Well, when you workout in the morning, your metabalism is faster so you burn more calories for breakfast and lunch....

    As long as you eat well in the morning and lunch.... I dont think there is going to be too much of a difference in your weight loss if you wait til the afternoon to workout.

    If it is affecting your job, then switch to afternoon workouts.
  • jbenton091011
    I do both
    I find mornings are great because I'm up, I'm awake and I'm motivated for the day. However, I find that I don't have the energy that I do in the evenings. Evenings are great because it helps me wind down from the day too as I expel the majority of my energy there. I have more energy and I'm able to work harder. However, I find that if I'm not psychologically ready for it, I can easily talk my way out of it before I get there. Especially if I'm really tired and grumpy.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I don't like either really, I prefer to work out around 11am. This isn't possible alot of the time though in which case I would definately prefer evenings. I can't stand early morning anything, and I'd probably fall asleep.

    Good things about the morning: If you're not too sleepy still then it will probably put you in a good mood for the rest of the day, give you a little kick / more energy before going about you day.
    Downsides: I hate mornings.

    Good things with the evening: Don't have to get up ridiculously early.
    Bad things with the evening. Might be tired from work/daily life, depending on how active you are. May not have as much energy if you lead an active day. I usually just want to relax after a long day.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Morning workouts have always been best for me. I used to go before I ate breakfast. I'd bring a protein shake all mixed up so I could drink it on the way home and then I'd have breakfast later. I had plenty of energy for my workout and throughout the rest of the day. I'm a stay at home mom so if I didn't get my gym workouts in before everyone woke up they just wouldn't happen. It's too easy to make excuses later in the day.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I work out in my living room in the evening. I get home, eat dinner, watch TV until 7 (about 45 minutes) and then start up the DVD. I'm not even going to try getting up early. I used to get up at 3:30 to be at work by 4am. When I quit that job, I vowed to never be upright that early unless I was still upright from the previous night.
  • laz22girl
    I work out in the morning, and just recently started doing some afternoon days.

    It just depends on how I feel. I like getting it done early, then I have the rest of the day to not worry about bailing on exercising. I have the tendency to make a lot of excuses at work vs. when I am barely awake.

    I could not wake up at 4:30. I wake up at 5:00-5:15 twice a week and that is a struggle.

    I go to bed early, too. It's the only
  • laz22girl
    I work out in the morning, and just recently started doing some afternoon days.

    It just depends on how I feel. I like getting it done early, then I have the rest of the day to not worry about bailing on exercising. I have the tendency to make a lot of excuses at work vs. when I am barely awake.

    I could not wake up at 4:30. I wake up at 5:00-5:15 twice a week and that is a struggle.

    I go to bed early, too. It's the only way can get up early.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    For me it just depends...
    IF I go to bed early and get a substantial amount of sleep I have no problem getting up at 5:15 and making a 6am class. I can function through the day and even make it back to the gym that evening.
    However, if I am in bed late and get very little sleep there is NO way I can function even not getting up and hitting the gym!
    Usually, based on my family's schedule and my work, I work out in the evenings. It works for me and I enjoy that as part of my routine to shake off any work related stress from the day.
  • kaassiia
    kaassiia Posts: 51 Member
    I have issues getting up in morning to do it also. I started doing it right when I get home from work before I start dinner. That way I am good and hungry for dinner but I get my workout in, too.

    That's a really good idea if you cannot get a workout in early. You have something to look forward to after your workout and I'm sure it helps you to make better choices for dinner. I also have a tendency to feel sluggish after I eat and fall into a food-coma.