Grandma old remedies

bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
So last night I was talking to my mom and coughing up a lung as I was on the phone. She asked me if I was sick and I told her not really I just have this dry throat that causes me to caugh every time I breath air in even when talking. So she asked me if I have made "Canela" (cinamon tea). I have some just had been to lazy to make some and she told me she was watching the news the other day and they were all talking about grandma's old remidies and how some are very beneficial.

So it occured to me what are some of your Grandma old remedies?

One that was very wierd to me but I can guarantee it works (and no Im not a witch)LOL!! My son about a month or two ago got "Aire" on his back meaning he had air. Most people have not heard of this term but in your terms you would call them I believe back spasms. Anyways my mom and dad told me that when someone had air in their ear they would tend to use a lit cigarret and put the end you would obviously put in your mouth on your ear and that would fix it. So I did a search on line in spanish of course and what I found was too crazy I had to try it:happy:

I saw a video on youtube of a man being "cured" by folding a news paper into a tunnel lighting the wide part on fire and the other part sitting on his back on the video you would actually see the air accumulate and shoot up through the tunnel! I was still skeptical so I continued to search. A doctor used a round cylinder on paitents ears that couldnt hear (dont remember the full story on this one) and it would make them better.

At this point I looked on my table and I have an empty roll of paper towels that looks similar to the cylindar the doctor was using. So Im sure you already know what I did. I took my son to the bathroom, made him bend down (by the way he is 14), turned on the foset (I was not going to take chances with fire LOL!) and lit the cylinder. I placed it on his back where he said it hurt and I was amazed at the results you can see the the fire lighting higher and then shooting up the accumulated air!!! and when I placed the cylinder where it didnt hurt him the fire would shut off. He felt better right away!

Okay Im done ranting now tell me yours!

and sorry for the spelling and grammar erros I am typing this fast since Im at work. LOL!!


  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    For sore throats:

    In a cup:
    apple cider vinegar
    cayenne pepper
    add hot water
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    My Great Grandmother used to put vanilla extract on minor burns. It really did help, and I still use it today since I am always bumping my hand against the oven.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    My mom took me to a doctor when I was a kid that lit ear candles in my ear. I had horrible, constant, ear infections when I was younger, and tubes in my ears did nothing for me. So she took me to the doc, and he stuck a long 'candle' in my ear (taperd canvas tube, open on both ends, coated in wax), lit it on fire and let it do it's thing. The suction created by the heat sure pulled a ton of wax out of my ears, but I don't think it really helped with the ear infections all that much, though my mom swears it did.

    As far as 'Grandma's remedies' - neither of my grandmothers ever had any 'remedies' for anything, that I can remember anyways.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    To determine if an illness is caused by an "evil eye" (ojo, in Spanish), you rub an egg over your body and place it under your bed. Crack it the next morning and if it appears hard boiled, someone gave you ojo. I know, I know.....(it's a Mexican thing).
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    when I was born I had an outie belly grandmother's solution was to tape a quarter over it to help it go in. it got infected and was about the size of a golf ball. Oh...turns out I had an umbilical hernia! Thanks Gram!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    You sound like my son with the (its a mexican thing) statement. Whe he got air on his back he tried to explain it to his football coaches but they just didnt get it so that was his statement after failing to do so. But they do have a hispanic coach in their roster that explained it better LOL!!
    To determine if an illness is caused by an "evil eye" (ojo, in Spanish), you rub an egg over your body and place it under your bed. Crack it the next morning and if it appears hard boiled, someone gave you ojo. I know, I know.....(it's a Mexican thing).
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    When my oldest son gets a bad cough at bedtime, I put vicks vapo rub on the bottom of his feet with socks on. He will not cough the whole night! My oldest son used to get bad ear infections and his great grandfather on his dad's side told me to put my sons urine in his ear and he would never get an infection again... I was grossed out and didn't do it, but one time he came to the house to visit and done it himself and my son has never had another ear ache/infection.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Here's one I heard about when I was a kid. I tried it and it worked. If you have a wart, take a safety pin and rub it all over the wart then bury the safety pin where nobody can find it and the wart will go away. I did this with a wart I had on my knee and the wart really did go away.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    oh my, several

    When my sister was pregnant and had horrible heartburn mom told her to go eat a tsp of mustard and it worked.

    Also mom's remedy for congestion was to rub vick vapor rub around the neck and chest and then take the sock you had worn on your left foot and wrap it around your neck and chest.... (couldn't get the courage to try that one not that my feet stink, it's just eww)
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    my grandmother's answer to everything was witch hazel. if you had a bruise, a bump, or a sunburn, she always put witch hazel on it. to this day, if i get a bruise, i use it. and it WORKS!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    when I was born I had an outie belly grandmother's solution was to tape a quarter over it to help it go in. it got infected and was about the size of a golf ball. Oh...turns out I had an umbilical hernia! Thanks Gram!

    My daughter did this at the advice of the pediatrition on one of her boys. It worked like a charm.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Grandma and ma remedies, I have quite a few - some of them I still use.

    Gargle with warm salt water for sore throat
    Tape silver (we used to use silver dimes) on a bee sting
    Milk and bread poltus to pull infection out of a sore
    Percussion treatment for congestion (pounding on back and sides to loosen)
    Hot Toddys

    Give me an hour or so and I could come up with a lot more.
  • PZlady
    PZlady Posts: 137 Member
    For nighttime leg cramps - put an unwrapped bar of Ivory soap between your sheets while you sleep. No one knows why this works, only that it works like a charm!!

    For coughing - a tsp of honey coats the throat and stops the cough.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Eat a heaping spoonful of sugar all at once when you have the hiccups. Worked for me in the past.

    For a cold - a shot of whiskey and a wedge of lemon every half hour until you fall asleep (minimum 3 of each)

    Ear candles for ear-aches (basically the same as described before, but it is a spirally tapered candle made of beeswax.)

    Duct tape for warts.

    Warm milk, honey and lemon tea for a sore throat

    Black tea bags applied directly to the site of a cold sore.

    Moist tobacco on a wasp sting.

    Piece of potato on a splinter to draw it out.

    And le piece de resistance: To cure athlete's foot. Pee on your feet in the shower and let it sit for a few minutes before turning on the water to wash. (don't judge: Just passing on the info)