Starting to feel weak- need a boost!!

Hey everyone, been off the site for a couple weeks. Been really busy BUT still have been sticking to a strict diet and have been exercising like crazy!! I feel really good but I am starting to struggle because my bf can always eat and drink whatever he wants and his body is perfect and buff. I get really frustrated with it because some days I just HATE having to watch for every single thing I put in my mouth. How can I not be tempted into eating his unhealthy foods and drinks? We live together and he is constantly trying to support me and tries not to "enable" me and avoids eating in front of me but sometimes when he does cook I want to eat the hot wings, the ranch dip, the pizza, the homemade french fries, the chips and salsa, the cookies and cakes... it is soooo hard to stay away. I havent caved yet, but I am starting to feel weak and I do not want to make any mistakes. Have any tips on what else I can do to avoid feeling this deprivation?? I know that unhealthy foods will always be around me. I know that they are ok to have in moderation. But if I start, I can't stop. I also know that only I can prevent over eating. What do I do to remain strong and resist the urge to eat them??


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Plan your meals every day and log them at the beginning of the day. That way your day is planned out. If you find there is something that you're really craving, write it down on a list and save it for a cheat day.
  • fitaliciag
    Tell yourself that NOTHING tastes as good as being healthy and fit FEELS. and if you don't know what it feels like yet, GET THERE! becuase it is AWESOME :-)

    I understand the struggle, i have fallin off the wagon MANY times. but if you are eating healthy overall, ONE cookie, ONE piece of cake, or ONE soda isnt going to hurt you.
  • MrsWagz
    MrsWagz Posts: 41
    I find it's easier to resist temptation if I have an alternative.. Always have a go to snack or something you can grab that's healthy so you don't fall off the wagon.. Remember those cravings will only satisfy you for a moment where if you resist them the payoff is way better.. You could always have a cheat day once in awhile and remind yourself of that when you want to indulge on a non cheat day. It will give you something to look forward to and you'll know you will get to cheat a little on whatever day you've chosen.. I can totally relate to this issue and I find doing these things helps.. Make sure you stay hydrated so you will feel fuller and the munchies won't seem as bad :wink:
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    My hubby is very thin and eats anything he wants, too. I keep healthy snacks around. If he eats ice cream, I eat an apple. If he eats chips, I'll munch on pretzels or nuts. There are healthy choices to fulfill your sweet, salty, hot cravings. That's my suggestion.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Have you talked to him about this? I'm sure he can tell (by your food choices) that you're trying to eat healthy, and you said he is supportive of you. But, men can be dense (sorry, men, but you know it's true), and he may not realize how much his choices are affecting you. Guys have different metabolisms than women. Heck, my roommate (a guy) lost 3 pounds last week and he had an entire package of Chips Ahoy cookies over like 2 days, as well as a plethora of other junk food. Thankfully for me, he gets pissed if I eat his food, so I avoid it :laugh:

    Does he enjoy healthy food at all? Homemade pizza can be super yummy, and my roommate actually prefers that now that I introduced him to it. And, it's a lot healthier. Take a look through the recipes section, I'm sure there are recipes for healthier alternatives to all the other junk you mentioned.

    Good luck :smile: After a while it'll become easier to avoid the tempting foods. It will never be easy, but it will get easier!
  • dancingdream
    If you're making all that stuff at home, try looking up healthy versions of the most tempting foods. There's tons of stuff you can make that tastes like the fatty stuff but has twice the nutrition. If all the crappy food is coming from restaurants, you can try to compromise and only eat out/take out once or twice a week. If it's a house rule, then he can eat all the crap he wants to out of the house but only bring it home once a week. You could have a pizza night or something and eat a big salad with it so you feel fuller sooner and don't go overboard with the crap food.
    It's tough to smell all of that and not eat any of it but if you replace some of the favorites with healthy alternatives like baked sweet potato fries instead of fried french fries or something and then have one night a week to eat out but remember to eat a big salad or something really healthy and filling so you don't eat too much.
  • 1saint
    1saint Posts: 1
    check out "hungry girl" for recipes makeovers and cook for your boyfriend same foods you both enjoy but healthier- IT"LL BE GOOD FOR HIM TOO and in a way he"ll be helping you reach your goals...when theres a will theres a NEVER quit...think of yourself as a winner!:bigsmile:
  • anitabenson83
    Wow. This forum has been so helpful; the main post really expressed some problems I've been having with social eating.

    I have to say, I've also been struggling with the social aspects of eating. It's especially hard working an office job where everyone always seems to socially snack and eat junk food. Even lunch times, when we all go out to eat is so hard. It seems like my colleagues always end up at places like McDonalds, Chilis, etc, where there are limited healthy options... and even where there are, they seem to always be doused in a heavy cream sauce.

    It's nice to see so many people giving helpful input and going through the same situation.

    Thanks! (even though this isn't my thread!)