Elliptical machine Question

I have been doing good on the treadmill when I am at the Y. I tried the elliptical but my right upper thigh just burns. It is almost right away. Is that normal to feel it almost immediately? It feels different then the burn I get from doing a large incline on the treadmill or pushing myself on the weights. I want to use the elliptical but just can't seem to get past the pain.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


  • emily773
    Hi Janet! To be honest, I think you should just stick with what works for you. Discomfort is one thing but pain is not normal. If you are getting enough water, are warmed up properly, and feeling loose and it still hurts, maybe you should just hop on that treadmill and crank it out knowing you won't be hurting so much?
    Good luck! Keep up the good work!
  • MrsWagz
    MrsWagz Posts: 41
    I wouldn't think that's normal. It sounds like it's an acute burning in just one area, so hopefully you don't have an injury.. Try staying off it for a week or so and see if that helps.. I hope you feel better soon!! It stinks being on the DL I'm there a lot!:grumble:
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    Me personally the elliptical is easier than the treadmill. Maybe you should start off on a lower level. If you are at a gym then maybe ask a personal trainer.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    You don't say how much time you have logged on the elliptical but I had a bit of a burn for the first few days (since I was in pretty bad shape) but after about a week or so, I got stronger and that is not even an issue any more.

    I'm guessing that you are likely using diffferent muscles on the elliptical machine so that could explain why one machine is ok and the other is not.

    Also, you didn't mention about tension on the elliptical. If you can adjust it, set it to 0 resistance.
    If you do just a minute or so per day with not too much burn, and this burn decreases over the next few days, you'll know that it is just that your muscles have to get used to this movement.
    If you still have the same level of pain after about a week with no sign of improvement, I would say that there are other issues.
  • janet5432
    janet5432 Posts: 39 Member
    It was zero resistance. I start pedaling and by about the second or third rotation of my legs just that one area hurts. I plan to try it again tonight. I would love to use both machines. More then 40 min on the treadmill is boring so I would love to figure out the elliptical so I have something else to use at the gym.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    wow. just a few rotations until pain does not sound good. Also just in one leg. Something wrong with that. I'd rest it up for a week before trying again. Weird that there are no other symptoms and it does not bother you other than on the elliptical.
    The elliptical is my preferred cardio machine. I make sure to have my tunes playing and the time goes by faster. I tried bike and treadmill but just got too bored.