Im new to Fitness Pal needing MoTiVaTiOn

Hey Guys!!!
I started weight watchers in January 2011, starting at 13 stone 8 pounds. I firstly done it online and struggled with my snacking with crisps (i love crisps) i then went to the meetings and thats when the weight started dropping off.. hitting my 5 % then 10%, by August, i was 11stone 13pounds.

At the end of August i started my new job at Virgin Trains, working on board, very active job. During my 3 weeks training, i put on weight (as all the food was paid for). Since then, i havent been doing weight watchers and seemed to have slacked off, and when i eat something bad i say hey ho ill just lose it again. I currently weigh 12stone 4. So i joined Fitness pal for some more motivation. Quitting weightwatchers.

I just want to know, does it actually work?? .. if you stick to your calories per day.

Any help will be great, just need more motivation!!


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    See my signature? It works.
  • L8dybugz
    Hello and yes it really works. I also did weight watchers a few years ago and when I joined MFP I realized it was even better. You will hit a stall every now and then but stick to it and your body will thank you =)
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I have NEVER been able to lose weight UNTIL MFP. It is totally worth it. There is great support on this site. You do need to be accountable and honest but this site makes it easy to do. Don't give up!!!!
  • whitterzh
    Wow congratulations! :)
  • whitterzh
    Do you find that working out what you are going to eat beforehand is best, or just to go along with it??
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    yes, MFP works and I like it a ton better than WW. My journey started in Jan with WW. In about 3 months, I lost 23 pounds doing WW exclusively on-line...but I wasn't really following the program because within 2 weeks I figured out that I had trouble consuming all of my points and simply decided to stop eating when I was I stopped logging foods because I figured I knew what I was eating. Anyway, I transitioned from WW into more of an MFP style healthy lifestyle and have done well so far.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Do you find that working out what you are going to eat beforehand is best, or just to go along with it??

    it is best to plan ahead as many of your meals as possible.