Hi Everyone

Hi my name is Chasity! I have done Weight Watchers in the past and I lost 70 pounds. Unfortunately over the last 3 years I have had two surgeries and some health problems and have gained it all back. So hard to lose, but so easy to gain :( I needed something fresh and new, but easy and a friend recommended my fitness pal. So far I love it!! I started watching my calories 2 weeks ago but have only been using my fitness pal for the last 3 days. I would love to have some friends for support on here!!!


  • mmuzzy1068
    Welcome aboard, you are going to do great. I will friend you and help support you with your lifestyle change. I have met some great positive people so far (and have done challenges with them) feel free to do the same, you will be surprised at how easy it all becomes with friends out here.
  • Granny1227
    Welcome! You can do this - just take CHARGE! Add me as a friend if you like. THX Good Luck
  • littleenginethatcan
    Feel free to add me. I try and be supportive of my friends!