CRAZY for butternut squash!!

Thank goodness! Fall is FINALLY here! I'm so happy because I can now indulge all I want in one of my favorite vegetables of all time: BUTTERNUT SQUASH!! Last night I roasted it with a little olive oil, two garlic cloves, salt and pepper, and it was amazing! Tonight I'm going to turn it into a delicious, creamy soup with the help of some unsweetened coconut milk! I can't wait! There are so many recipes out there for butternut squash...I just found one for butternut squash blondies (Who would have thought?) Do any of you have some butternut squash recipes that are you favorites?


  • I just tried butternut squash for the first time this week and I loved it. I did a caramelized one just to try it out. Cut it up into pieces, add some butter(probably could use olive oil) and brown sugar. Mixed then roasted. I'm going to buy more now. I couldn't believe how good it was.
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Last night I made maple roast garlic and butternut squash!! Soooo good. One large butternut, cubed... a whole head of garlic, separated but not peeled, 2 Tbsp extra virgin, 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup, salt, pepper and sage. It was PHENOMENAL!!! And it made the house smell fantastic!! I served it alongside pan seared turkey chops because turkey and butternut squash just go so well together, I think!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i like to use butter nut squash in mac n cheese to lighten it up.. cook it in some milk and puree it up!
  • JDUNC75
    JDUNC75 Posts: 4 Member
    Okay I must try this butternut squash !!! I love all the other squash varietys including the spaghetti squash. thanks for piquing my interest ! :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Roasting it and making soup out of it are my two favorite ways to use it. There are loads of different soup recipes! Butternut squash fries are good too!

    Pretty much any recipe with pumpkin or sweet potato can be substituted with butternut squash. I'll look around my recipes though and see if I have anything in there that sounds really interesting.