Repeat Offender

I am back after being gone for nearly 6 months. I had lost 50lbs and have managed to gain about half of it back. I think sometimes we just let life get soooo busy that we miss the most important parts of life..the LIVING! Well...I have decided to get back on track and use all the tools available to me, including this one!

I'm all for support, so anyone who wants to add me is more than welcome!


  • benztim6876
    benztim6876 Posts: 28 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. I had gone from 240 down to 180. I feel off the wagon for about 6 months as well and put all of it back on. I am once again trying to get it back off. This time I am not going to fall off the wagon.

    Good luck.

  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I have gotten busy too...I don't long in everyday and I don't track every day. I do try and to keep up as much as possible. I may not be losing as fast I did before but if anything the maintance has kept me happy. I might be concerned with losing more right now, but I keep up enough to NOT go back!
  • lonecorndog
    That cursed wagon...I think it shoves me off. I was 250, was 159 (for about 15 seconds...) and am back up to 185. I hear ya when you say life gets in the way. It's hard to prioritize.