Can I just lift weights??????????

O.K. I hate cardio. I get bored easily and I try to do different stuff, but I still get bored. I also like to work hard or I dont feel like I'm getting a good cardio work out. However, I love to weight train. I fell in love with weights when I took weight lifting in high school. I was the only chick in the class but I learned a lot. I love the way I feel after I lift.

So is there anyway I can just lift weights and not do cardio and still lose weight? Has anyone done this??? I'm stalling and been told to get off the weights for a week or so cause my muscles are retaining water. Which is depressing. Thanks!


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    O.K. I hate cardio. I get bored easily and I try to do different stuff, but I still get bored. I also like to work hard or I dont feel like I'm getting a good cardio work out. However, I love to weight train. I fell in love with weights when I took weight lifting in high school. I was the only chick in the class but I learned a lot. I love the way I feel after I lift.

    So is there anyway I can just lift weights and not do cardio and still lose weight? Has anyone done this??? I'm stalling and been told to get off the weights for a week or so cause my muscles are retaining water. Which is depressing. Thanks!

    but there is more benefits to cardio then weight loss. a better working heart for one
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Weight loss has little to do with the type of exercise you perform (weight loss, and fat loss is more about nutrition). Cardio is, however, a necessary part of a healthy body. If you are bored with LSC (Long Slow Cardio), look up HIIT training or Tabata protocol, not exactly the same as a straight cardio workout, but it's close enough that you will benefit.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    IMO, as far as weight loss goes, body building is more effective than cardio.
    Even though you can't build a lot of muscle while in a calorie deficit, you can keep what you have, where if you diet w/o weights, you'll lose muscle fast. And since muscle burns fat so much more, you will lose more weight.
    Always eat healthy though. That's number one!
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    Hmm thats is true. I understand the benefits, but I do huff and puff during my strenth training. I do eat healthy and all that. I just feel cardio sometimes is such a chore. Right now I've gotten off the eliptical machine and just do walking. I find I dont get as bored, but still I hate how time consuming it is. I walk for about an hour or more.

    Also, I dont wanna lift and keep retaining this darn water. I've gained 4lbs in about a week since I have upped my lifting.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    O.K. I hate cardio. I get bored easily and I try to do different stuff, but I still get bored. I also like to work hard or I dont feel like I'm getting a good cardio work out. However, I love to weight train. I fell in love with weights when I took weight lifting in high school. I was the only chick in the class but I learned a lot. I love the way I feel after I lift.

    So is there anyway I can just lift weights and not do cardio and still lose weight? Has anyone done this??? I'm stalling and been told to get off the weights for a week or so cause my muscles are retaining water. Which is depressing. Thanks!

    You don't have to even exercise to lose weight although you'll have issues with body composition. Yes you can lift and not do cardio.

    Remember your diet is #1 priority. You can exercise until you are blue in the face, but if your diet is not 100% in check, you will go nowhere.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Make the weights your cardio. Do supersets back to back with no rest between the exercises.

    You don't need cardio to lose weight, but it is good for you.
  • nolehusker
    Make the weights your cardio. Do supersets back to back with no rest between the exercises.

    You don't need cardio to lose weight, but it is good for you.

    Do this. Do more reps with less weights with 10 second rest in between reps and 30 second rest in between sets.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I only weight trained when I lost my weight. After walking out of the gym some days dragging and my chest about to pound out of my chest, I wonder about those that say you must do cardio. If you don't mess around in the gym, you are getting a great heart workout.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    yep. you can just lift weights and end up with a great body.

    like the poster above said, throw in some supersets and make your weight routine become a cardio workout.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    O.K. I hate cardio. I get bored easily and I try to do different stuff, but I still get bored. I also like to work hard or I dont feel like I'm getting a good cardio work out. However, I love to weight train. I fell in love with weights when I took weight lifting in high school. I was the only chick in the class but I learned a lot. I love the way I feel after I lift.

    So is there anyway I can just lift weights and not do cardio and still lose weight? Has anyone done this??? I'm stalling and been told to get off the weights for a week or so cause my muscles are retaining water. Which is depressing. Thanks!

    Well to burn fat you have to add cardio in. You want to burn dat right? well eating right and working out with weights and cardio do the job. Tyr this. depending on your lifting schedule you can do 1-2 min burst on the treadmill or machine or your own weight after a few sets of exercises or do 10-15 min of HIITs after weights. If you get it in between sets or exercise it is not so bad plus your getting it in
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    Honey let me tell you If I dont lift my body wont lose. I've tried all cardio at one time and my circulation improved and my blood pressure, but once I started to lose weight it all started to get flabby. So thats why now I've increased my lifting and i've lost inches.

    I'm 5'11 278.8. I'm trying to lose 100lbs! I've stalled for the past month.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    O.K. I hate cardio. I get bored easily and I try to do different stuff, but I still get bored. I also like to work hard or I dont feel like I'm getting a good cardio work out. However, I love to weight train. I fell in love with weights when I took weight lifting in high school. I was the only chick in the class but I learned a lot. I love the way I feel after I lift.

    So is there anyway I can just lift weights and not do cardio and still lose weight? Has anyone done this??? I'm stalling and been told to get off the weights for a week or so cause my muscles are retaining water. Which is depressing. Thanks!

    Well to burn fat you have to add cardio in.

  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    I hated cardio too... until INSANITY! Check out my profile /add me... my pic shows my results so far. I would love to help you with your journey! I also did P90X for the weight training! I absolutely love weights, but was not losing as much weight as I enough :)
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Weight training is actually better for fat loss, because muscle burns more than jiggly flesh. If cardio is too boring for you, don't do it. Just try to walk more.
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    How about circuit training where you mix your weights with sprints etc. also programs like P90X provide a good combo of weights and cardio.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    Make the weights your cardio. Do supersets back to back with no rest between the exercises.

    You don't need cardio to lose weight, but it is good for you.

    Do this. Do more reps with less weights with 10 second rest in between reps and 30 second rest in between sets.
    you could maybe do a circuit training type thing too...where you do weights and then do jumping jacks or some sort of cardio work in between different types of lifting.
  • jchester71
    jchester71 Posts: 124 Member
    Hmm thats is true. I understand the benefits, but I do huff and puff during my strenth training. I do eat healthy and all that. I just feel cardio sometimes is such a chore. Right now I've gotten off the eliptical machine and just do walking. I find I dont get as bored, but still I hate how time consuming it is. I walk for about an hour or more.

    You can definitely lose weight, just lifting weights, but a lack of cardio conditioning will really effect you ability to work hard in the weight room. I would also caution you that being unwilling to tackle things that seem like a chore is a recipe for disaster not just in terms of fitness, but in life in general.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    I've never tried p90x or insanity or anything. Don't know much about those programs. Do you have to do them at home??? If so, that will be a problem. I cant be banging around early in teh morning. I have a little one that is a light sleeper.

    If my cardio workout get boring or too easy I dread going to the gym. When it came to my strength training days I never get bored! I always look forward to it.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    There are so many cardio options - you should be able to find something that you like doing at least a couple times a week. Biking (or spinning) swimming (aqua aerobics), eliptical, rebounding (mini trampoline) step aerobics, zumba, kickboxing etc.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    I'm currently doing Elite Level Ice Hockey training and believe it or not, there is a ZERO cardio component to the program. Why? Because steady pace activity doesn't have any direct correlation to performing better on the ice.

    In other words: How you train all depends on your goals and your results!

    You don't need to run 4x a week to lose weight and you don't need to sweat on the treadmill for hours on end to burn fat. The key is to educate yourself on a healthy lifestyle overall. How to eat properly, food Quality and not just quantity, and incorporate regular activity as part of that lifestyle.

    That's what will bring you long lasting results for a lifetime.

    Do what works for you and what you enjoy doing, and mix it up regularly so you keep challenging yourself to do new things.