Looking for friends that have a travel linked objective

zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
Hi all,

Not sure if I'm posting in the right spot, but I thought I'd try here.

I need motivation. Bad.

I have 4 months to loose 30 pounds for my Costa Rica trip. Anyone else wants to loose to look good on trip pictures? I know that I'm going zip lining. They'll ask for my weight. I don't want to say 200 pounds. Silly, but an objective nonetheless.

Let me know!


  • floshideaway
    floshideaway Posts: 101 Member
    I travel to Europe regularly because my dad lives there. Last may I was there and upon my return I weighted myself for the first time in years. The scale hit 194. I sat and cried, I knew I had gained weight but never paid attention because I was doing a restoration project on my 125 year old house for the past 5 years and had no time to do anything else or be social. Well I was going back to Europe at the end of sept (and I am still there for another few days) and because I had several invitations for outings, I was determined that no one would see me that way. On June 3rd, I got my Wii Fit out, hooked up with MFP shortly after and completely changed my eating habits. I am 40lbs lighter today and feel awesome, I still have another 10 or so to go which will be gone in due time. I eat everything in controlled portions and drink wine regularly. I know I can live live that for the rest of my life. YOU CAN TOO.:flowerforyou: My next travel is S.FL to see my kids in early December, they do not know I have lost all this weight, I can't wait to see the look on their face, my son is getting married next Oct, I want him to be proud of me, one more eason to stick to this healthy lifestyle. Feel free to friend me for extra support.
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you Floshideaway! Your experience is encouraging to me.
  • dominionite
    dominionite Posts: 20 Member
    As you know, I'm doing it for disney. I want to ride the rides without having to check if i'm under the weight restrictions. Disney is huge... i don't want to be the one holding the family back because i'm not in shape. But i'm also setting smaller goals for myself. I went skating with my daughter last weekend (and will go again this weekend!)... i had to take some breaks, but i went. i have a cottage on the lake weekend planned for new years, and i want to fit into my lounging wear / track suits that i haven't worn for 2 or 3 years. that's 10 weeks for 2 sizes. i should be able to do that. then i'll set a goal for valentines, etc.

    You have 4 months, that's 16 weeks... set 5 goals of 3 weeks each...
    i can always loose 10 lbs - 10 times. But to loose 100 lbs, just thinking it is exhausting!