first step fears

My daughter introduced me to the website, which I totally appreciate! Today was my first sucess, NO CHIPS with lunch, yep it is soooooooooo small but huge for me. Now how to get myself motivated with the exercise may be tougher, but I need to do it for ME! First things first


  • shortcake101010
    you can do it!! I started doing this on monday and I have gone all week with no sweet tea or dr. pepper!! I feel better even though I think i'm having the caffene withdrawl!! :-)
  • Eleisabelle
    Congrats on taking the first step! It's the hardest one.

    There are so many ways to exercise out there--find some you enjoy and don't settle for less! I started by just walking on my lunch break every day. Now I run between 30-40 minutes three times a week, walk other days, and do strength or circuit training three times a week. I ran a 10K in spring, a mud run three weeks ago, and am training for a 1/2 marathon and a long-distance relay for next year.

    Exercise is no problem once you find something you love. And you will. :)

    Have a blast putting your health first. It's a great feeling.
  • Steph62002
    Good job! The small steps are the ones that make a big difference!
    Giving up chips is hard. I substitute red bell pepper strips with hummus to help satisfy that crunch. I've also found that sweet potato chips taste good and are good for you!
  • lovethe3
    You're on the right track! This is all about small changes that you can sustain! It may seem so silly to cut the sugar in your coffee in half or skip the chips and be happy, but it all adds up to a better life! Keep making a small goal for yourself every week. Get through one change at a time. Maybe next week you can not only skip the chips, but head out for a 15 minute walk after your lunch. Doesn't seem like much to some people but every little change is one step in the right direction! You can do this!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Small steps lead to big changes. Well done for starting and if you keep it up you will feel so much better and be so much more healthy. Good luck on your journey.
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    WAY TO GO! that is fantastic...
    My biggie is cookies and milk before bed... has been a habit for years... so last night I just had milk lol MILK in itself isn't bad for me lol it is when you're a dunking them cookies in that the problem is

    You will do great... the support here is AMAZING

    welcome to MFP
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    I've been at this for 10 months. It gets easier. Once the pounds start falling off you'll find yourself motivated to lose even more. And after a while of eating right, you'll find your body no longer craves those bad foods as much as it used to. Though I still haven't learned how to curb my chocolate craving. I don't really want to. Chocolate keeps me sane. Eating celery or carrot sticks all the time would make me just plain homicidal.
  • sffre
    sffre Posts: 19
    Way to go on the first step! That tends to be the hardest. For myself, I found walking to be a good exercise. I started out walking what made me comfortable and adding when it worked for me. I also found eating small meals/snacks and actually writing down the calories a huge help in deciding what I wanted to eat verses what I should or should not eat!

    Good Luck !!

  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Helllo first step, you are in the right place for support and encouragment.
  • autumnridge
    autumnridge Posts: 97 Member
    You can do this! The first step was no chips. The second could be a 5 or 10 minute walk added to your daily routine. Each day, try to add 1 or 2 minutes until you are doing no less than 30 minutes per day. If you can find someone to make that journey with you, so much the better. We all had to start somewhere. There is a small book called Calorie King that is handy to carry with you. Then, before you order, look up the calories. Believe me, when you find out what is actually going to go into your mouth, you give it more thought. Try to go no lower than 1200 calories per day and no more than 1800. Log everything you eat (very important) and track your exercise efforts. Do not use the calories you burn as a "bonus." You are trying to increase your expenditure over your intake. Try to lose your weight slowly, 1 or 2 # per week and it will stay off longer than if you try to starve yourself losing 5 or 6# a week. Breakfast is important, even if you never ate breakfast before. Thomas makes bagel thins which are 110 calories. I use the spray margerine, no fat & no calories. Add a piece of fruit and you have breakfast for around 200 calories. If you haven't been a veggie and fruit eater, now is the time to start! If you befriend someone on here who gives you negative thoughts, get rid of them. Most on here are very motivational and have great stories to share. We have all been down this road, some of us for many years. I hope I have been able to allay some of your fears and once you lose the first 10#, you will be inspired to keep going! :smile: