Trying to Log Random Meals

Hi Forum,

I just started here, so hello, nice to meet you. I lost 40 lbs in high school (230 - 190) and went from being a blog a fitness freak. Then I graduated college, gained 30 lbs in 6 months and am currently back to 235 lbs a decade later. Not fun, told myself it would never happen. So, back to what lost me the weight at first - portion control. I believe this log will keep me eating less (it's just another version of Weight Watchers, which I did before and worked). My question is this: when I go to the local restaurant that is not a chain (ie not in the system), how do I create my recipe? Tonight I want to order a salad. Lettuce, tomato, corn, cheese, beans, fajita veggies and chicken, and then a sherry vinegar dressing. What is my best bet to get it close? Thanks for your thoughts.



  • bstevens1021
    When I encounter that situation, I just try to approximate the size of each ingredient (1/4 cup cheese, 1/2 cup chicken, etc) and just add each ingredient individually. It's not completely accurate, but it's the closest I've been able to get when it's not already programmed in.