I'm addicted to MFP already

Hi everyone, I've been using MFP for a little over a week and I am addicted to it! I can't wait to log in my food and exercise each day. I look forward to calculating everything at the end of the to see what I could weigh in 5 weeks. This totally keeps me motivated!


  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    Me too - I can't wait until MFP tells me I'll be in the 140's in 5 weeks....! Great site - agreed...
  • jwallace84
    jwallace84 Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, I have been addicted since August. Love it!! Keep it up!!!
  • Same here. I'm trying to recruit others to form my own little MFP squad.
  • Shannafo
    Shannafo Posts: 121 Member
    I am too! It's a week today and I'm totally obsessed with MFP!!
  • Week 4 on my end. Where have you been all my life oh MFP?
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    I have been addicted since March! It has been a huge help with my journey!
  • Nelly_J
    Nelly_J Posts: 53
    Thank goodness!!! I'm not alone; I barely go on Facebook now because I'm always on here lol!
  • jo2907
    jo2907 Posts: 69 Member
    me too, this i my 10th day and i cant get enough of it!
  • I am too! It's great motivation on the days you did well! Also helps to see areas that need improvement. Keep it up!
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    I totally want a little MFP squad! I keep trying to think of ways to suggest my friends sign up without sounding insensitive...
  • I really like that I can find real food on here so I don't feel like I'm on a "diet". It makes me workm harder at the gym too. I've lost 6lbs in 8 days!
  • just testing to see if my ticker shows up.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Welcome to the club.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I know exactly what you mean, it is sooo something I can do. Of course I work out like crazy now so that I can add to the calories I can eat. I'm so in control of this. Glad you're here.
  • cforbesm
    cforbesm Posts: 9 Member
    I am too!!! Looks like this might keep me on track. Love it.
  • I so know what you mea, I love that I can plan out my whole day and make little modification during the day depending on how many calories I have left... I love it here!
  • I have only just found this site....is looking great already! How do you all use it?...pc, iphone, blackberry? Interested to see the majority
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I totally want a little MFP squad! I keep trying to think of ways to suggest my friends sign up without sounding insensitive...

    When the weight loss because noticable you'll be able to tell your friends about it because they will be asking how you did it.. Proven fact! I've had about 3 or 4 friends join just by seeing my progress!
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    I agree - LOVE this site. It's great and the people here are awesome :)