First time gym membership?

I am in the process of signing up for Planet Fitness Black Card Membership. I figured it would be a good gym to join because it is close to school(college) and they can form a workout that will work with my asthma.

Is there any tips anyone can give to first time gym members?


  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Just jump in and workout. A lot of women are afraid to hit the weights for one reason or another. There's no need to be afraid. Oh yeah, and if you are done using the machine and just resting or are resting for more than 30 secs or so, get up in case someone else needs to use it.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Does it offer benefits that your school's gym can't? This assumes your school has a gym. I imagine if you asked your doctor, she/he could refer you to someone who could design a workout for your situation.

    Some people don't like working out where they go to school, though, and that's valid. It should definitely be someplace you're happy going to.
  • Always clean off your machines. I cant stand it when people grunt. And I agree I was afraid to use the weights at first but I realize girls do it all the time no worries. And DONT WALK AROUND THE LOCKER ROOM NAKED.. you would be surprised what I have seen..
  • I heard planet fitness was pretty bad, if you're lifting weights and you grunt to loud or accidently drop weights some stupid alarm goes off and they ask you to leave the building
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Run away, don't give them any money.
  • Always wipe off machines when you're done and don't answer your cell phone. Turn the ringer off. I think those are my biggest gym pet peeves.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    No chatting/flirting on treadmills it drives me nuts! Seriously though, have a look at the classes, go out of hours when it's quieter, take a large sports bottle for the water and as said before take a towel - you might want one not just for wiping down your own but other manky people's sweat for when it's too much trouble for them to do ;-)
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Just do your own thing and dont wonder who is watching you! They dont matter. Work hard.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    See what kind of workouts they'll give you before giving them any money!
    I have an issue that had to be worked around and my first session with a trainer left me unable to walk for a week (not directly related to my personal issue but the workout didn't do my problem any favours either) They should be willing to give some tips without the financial tie... ie if you're in their gym now and they help you maybe you'll keep coming to their gym. Don't listen to them for their supplement advice etc, often getting a percentage of sales
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Well if you want gym curtiousy tips then:
    >>Clean anything and everything you use
    >>Always be nice to your fellow Gym-Rats
    >>Don't spread your stuff out all over the gym
    >>Keep your cellphone on vibrate or what not
    >>NEVER talk on your phone in the gym
    >>Keep grunting to a minimum the more sound you make the more annoyed others tend to get

    If you want gym tips then:
    >>Always talk to a trainer and just get a recommendation on what they think you should work on
    >>Always try new things, work out different parts of your body every other day so you do not get into a routine
    >>Push yourself until you feel the burn, but don't push yourself to the point of where you hurt yourself
    >>If something seems to easy find a way to challenge it
    >>Have fun!

    Make sure you bring LOTS of water to the gym with you. I am normally bringing 32oz of water to the gym with me every time. Always make sure to keep yourself hydrated because if you don't you can cause yourself damage. And remember that pain and soreness is weakness leaving the body!
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    I belong to Planet Fitness and I love it. Not sure about your location, but around here we have a few and with the Black Card you can go to any location you'd like. You can also bring a guest with you every time you go. Another poster mentioned the "no grunting" policy. Honestly, I have never seen the "lunk alarm" go off, and I find the staff very friendly and open. I would not let something like that deter you. I like that it's a "judgement free zone" and have seen tons of people there with handicaps or who look like first-time gym-goers of ALL ages and it rocks. I'd say definitely give it a shot, maybe even get some of the free personal training they offer to the Black Cards. If it stinks, then there's no contract and you can just quit! Oh, a tip about membership - I went onto the website to sign up and got a GREAT online special where the $99 initiation fee was being waived for the month. Online specials seem to go on frequently so I'd check online before signing up in person! Save some cash! Hope this helps!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    seriously...if you haven't committed, then doing...use the great outdoors as your 'gym''s far more rewarding and infinitely more liberating...and free, too.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Run away, don't give them any money.

  • The problem i have with outdoors is the winter months coming up. It's already getting cold here and i don't really look foward to running in feet of snow.

    I have talked with the people there and they offer classes for every muscle group as well as a 30 minute circuit training. I can also meet with a personal trainer to discuss my asthma and set up a workout goal
  • btw THANK YOU to all of the tips and comments so far :D
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I would say, try lots of different things in your first few visits. You may love the first machine you get on, but variety is the spice of life and a good long-term health plan. Also I agree about trying the classes. My gym has a crappy class schedule now and I really miss the old days when there used to be lots of options. Classes can be really fun and a very challenging workout.

    Find a space where you can stretch before you leave.

    I like to bring really COLD water, with ice in it...but whatever you like, just bring a lot of it :)

    And ignore the judgemental narcissists who want to tell you you're stupid for going to a gym. Good luck with it all!
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    btw THANK YOU to all of the tips and comments so far :D

    YOU are Welcome!! :D Hope we are helping you! I agree about the winter months... that's why I finally signed up. I know myself and I am NOT about to go outside in the freezing cold to get a workout lol! I'll be inside with my hot tea :)
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    And ignore the judgemental narcissists who want to tell you you're stupid for going to a gym. Good luck with it all!

  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Make sure you ask for membership discounts! They probably have one for students already but if not ask them about any other club or program that you might be eligible for a discount. I got a military one at my gym.
  • You should get a trainer to walk you around, show you the equipment, give you some tips, etc. Classes can be fun, you just need to find the one that fits you best.
