Losing weight is not that easy



  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    If a bigger cooler would make it easier for you to eat healthy, just buy one. The $20 you spend on it may help save your life.
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    I get the hormel compleats a lot at lunch.
    They range between 200-300 calories.
    They are pretty yummy too.
    As for workouts, 20 minutes a day with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred has helped me a lot the last few days.
    Make friends and log in all the time, that helps too.


    I LOVE the compleats. They are shelf stable until you nuke em for 90 seconds. Also lots of healthy snacks. Sandwiches, things like that
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    If you can only bring a small cooler bag you are going to need very filling nutrient dense foods that taste good. You'll probably need to mix it up from time to time too or you'll get bored.

    Each week i buy a few chicken skewers from the grocery store. They are only 80 calls a serve. i cook them up at home, wrap them in foil and eat them cold for lunch or one as a snack for morning tea. They are quite filling.

    Nuts are also great. I also really enjoy salads made with cold roast vegetables ilke sweet potato and carrot. The thought of it now is making me hungry!
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    Also, if you use the internet as a tool, pretty much every fast food restaurant has a website - find the healthy choices and stick with those if you forget your lunch one day
  • Amyeeeeeee
    Amyeeeeeee Posts: 93 Member
    I wanna first say WOW!!! I really didnt expect this much advice but I totally appreciate it. Ive been working on homework and 2 hrs later I log in and see all this loving support. It makes me feel better. YES I go to Cosmetology school and we started our clinicals. I am on the floor daily and in a classroom 2x a week. I do drink diet sodas or unsweet tea. I know its not bad but its not good. I am not a sweets eater but love pasta and convienve food. I think as far as the TV dinners and pre packaged food, TOO MUCH SODIUM so I try and stay away. I do bring a lunch cooler but Im lazy from time to time and dont pack enough stuff. AND I go to school down the road from a mall. Oh GOD the tourture lol. I appreciate each and everyone of you!!!