I'm new and looking for support/help!

My name is kelly and I am new, actually I just came back after signing up and never using the site. My best friend has lost tons of weight using this website with added exercise, and I thought I would really push to try it out. i am currently in school FT and I work FT so my time is spare, but that is no excuse, I need to fit things in somewhere, but I never have the support system and help to push me to continue, so any help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • Granny1227
    Hi -- You can do it! Add me if you like Good Luck
  • wannabefit_amanda
    Feel free to add me! Good Luck!
  • newbba43
    Hi! I have the same situation as you (I made this account in April but haven't started using it until now). In the short time that I've been active on this website, I've found that there are so many people here to help and support you! Reading the message boards frequently also helps because you can see what other people are posting about and learn new work-out techniques and find smoe great nutrition tips! Feel free to add, we're here for you! :)
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me for motivation and support.
    I am new as well - we can do this together!
  • Rewinds
    Rewinds Posts: 60
    Feel free to add!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome! This place is awesome and the peeps are very friendly and helpful. Add me if you like!