Getting married June 29, 2012 and need to get in shape!!!!!!

abrown416 Posts: 2 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
I have 93 pounds to loose and thought i would try this instead of Weight Watchers. Anyone think this is better that WW?



  • krbn2
    krbn2 Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome, and congrats on your engagement! I've never tried WW, but I've heard good things about it.
  • LynneGG
    LynneGG Posts: 95 Member
    I've lost track of how many times I've done WW over the years and yes I have lost alot of weight. But this is the first thing I have found that works for me.I always hated keeping a diary and I only went to the gym to do cardio. You don't fail don't want to lose weight just for the wedding but make a lifestyle change for the rest of your life. I log everyday...the good and the bad. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week to do cardio and strength training. I have never felt so good. You will have alot of support and motivation here. Alot of different information will be thrown at you but it takes trial and error to figure out the combination that works for you. The two biggest arguments are 1. Should I eat my exercise calories and 2. Do you count any fluid as water intake....Two topics that pop up alot.

    Welcome and good luck on starting a new you...a new life...a new future! Don't beat yourself up for what you percieve as mistakes(failure). Slow and steady wins the race everytime.You want to be able to maintain :smile:
  • im getting married july7 WOOH congrats
  • tgg1969
    tgg1969 Posts: 3 Member
    My birthday is June 29th and I just started this site. I want to lose 80 ibs by then, so lets support each other!!! Im actually in weight watchers now and its not working to well for me, but I havent put a lot of effort into it. I wanted to join this site because its free and its something I will have when ww is over. Im trying to eat "clean", that is no processed foods, so we will see how it goes.
  • Kimber250
    Kimber250 Posts: 27 Member
    Ladies you are all right up my alley~
    WW is a good program, but it is easy to fall off that program... unless you go to the meetings religously it may not be
    the best plan if you try to go it alone~ Online is easy and quick, but again.. keeping up with it and the counting points~

    This is the first site i have found that is super user friendly and even the mobile app is amazinly easy!

    Im looking to lose 90 also~ i will definitely cheer you on!
    GO YOU!!!
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