my monthly cycle

Just wondering if any of the women out here losing weight noticed a change in there monthly. I was due today and I still have not gotten it , so far I have lost 14 pounds in a month and wondering if that has anything to do with it?


  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    When i first started, it was when my cycle was ending... it hasnt stopped yet.. its been four weeks now. I went to the doctor and they said I needed more estrogen.

    there is a possibility that your body is not getting enough calories, therefor its going to starvation mode, meaning that its stopping certain functions.. such as a cycle. but that is an extreme case..

    are you usually pretty regular? if not it just may be taking a few more days to come.
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    Definitely could be from that. Mine changed in the beginning too and even now its still usually a day early to up to 3 days late. just keep an eye on it the next few months and see how it goes. =)
  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    I am usually 28 days like clock work , I can count on a calendar 28 days for the next and on that day it starts , I did just start working out 2 hours a day and do not use any of the extra calories it gives me , well besides today !
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    If you are still unsure, its always best to air on the side of caution and get a pregnancy test as well.
  • kacbldmm07
    Yes. Sometimes,mine is right on times. This month I was 5 days late. Also, I notice I gain 4 lbs while on it... But lose that plus a couple after I have been off for a couple of days.
  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    thank you that was my next question , well i will give it a couple of days and if i still don't get it I will take a test but I am almost 100% sure I am not , I had Essure put in 2 yrs ago
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Just wondering if any of the women out here losing weight noticed a change in there monthly. I was due today and I still have not gotten it , so far I have lost 14 pounds in a month and wondering if that has anything to do with it?

    Honestly, this is perfectly normal. If you've lost that much weight in a month, you've obviously made a huge change, and your body is adjusting. Your body's just in a bit of a shock because of the diet and exercise differences, but it's nothing to worry about. You may be a bit late or even skip a month.

    (However, if you're super worried, take a test just to put you at ease, but I don't think it's necessary).