Sugar Consumption: How much is too much?

Alright, so according to MFP I eat way WAY too much sugar pretty consistently.
However most of these sugars I get from things like sweet potatoes, yogurt, and fruit.

What do I do about this? Should I cut back on these items and start looking for other foods? and if so suggestions of ways to cut back would be nice!


  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    I cut way back on sugar, but the MFP limits are soo low. I figure if it is from fruit or real food, then I consider OK. I try to stay under 50 gms.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I don't bother tracking sugar. Its just a carbohydrate.

    Worrying about anything other than carb/fat/protein to me seems like a bit much xD
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Carbs are evil when processed, I have been up since half 2 it is half 5 in the morning here in the UK.

    I had a Kelloggs bar last night before bed, with my daughter, (2 of them :blushing: ) I woke up at half 2!!!! This also happened the other day, but I dismissed it.

    I dont drink tea or coffee... So the only thing for me was a carb overload before bed...

    No more carbs for me after 3pm... This can not happen again I have things to do!!! :noway:
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I don't bother tracking sugar. Its just a carbohydrate.

    Worrying about anything other than carb/fat/protein to me seems like a bit much xD

    yeah agreed
  • anthonywaters
    anthonywaters Posts: 3 Member
    So what everyone is saying is as long as one doesn't go over the card numbers, the sugar numbers are irrelevant?
  • Ashbee1224
    Ever since I started MFP I saw that I was constantly over on my sugars. I thought since most of it was coming from fruit & yogurt it was no big deal, also milk has alot of sugar! But looking into it, sugar is sugar and it's not good for you! So recently I have cut back and focused on staying within my sugar limits and have noticed that I feel alot better, and I even got off the plateau I was on.