Hi From Barbados

Hi I'm new to the site and so far i have been logging all my meals from the time that I got started. Its a great tool. :smile:


  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I had my honeymoon there. What a wonderful little country, but I don't think I could deal with the humidity for more than a week! :)

    I still find myself making lots of the dishes that we ate while there, 11 years later. I'm a sucker for palm hearts and Cou-cou. Can't get flying fish around here though. LOL!

    Enjoy MFP! I love it here.
  • kctypes
    Hi, I'm new to the site and love it. Still have to figure out a few things, but I've got a great support with my son's fiance who has lost over 30 pounds using myfitnesspal.
  • aimes8
    aimes8 Posts: 12
    Fantastic!!! I dont think I can take the humidity here some days and I live her :laugh: