Favorite 80's Movies & Music

MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
I am in a nostalgic mood today, thanks in part to just hearing "I've Had The Time of My Life" from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. I started thinking about all of the songs and movies I loved from the 80's. If you rocked big hair, asymmetrical hairdos, wore stone-washed jeans with neon colored t-shirts, you probably have some 80's faves to share. Some of my favorite 80's movies: Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Ghostbusters, Flashdance and of course, Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

What are your faves?


  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Flashdance, Footloose, Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink tops the list!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Flashdance, Footloose, Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink tops the list!

    I forgot about Pretty in Pink! That is a classic!
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    Dirty Dancing, Footloose, and Grease! Love them. :)
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    Dirty Dancing, Ghostbusters, Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

    Pretty in Pink and Mannequin
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    Better Off Dead.
  • rjlarry
    rjlarry Posts: 15 Member
    The Cars!!!
  • cc8088
    cc8088 Posts: 41
    Howard the Duck!
  • fireman300
    fireman300 Posts: 38 Member
    The Big Chill is one of my fav 80"s movies along with just about everyone you listed..lol. Songs...gotta go with the first video played on MTV of course....Video Killed the Radio Star, and so many more....like any song by the Violent Femmes
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    St elmo's Fire - movie and soundtrack!
  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    The Breakfast Club...and hmm...Say Anything!

    "I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen."

  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm an 80's baby and I love it all!
    fav movies are The Breakfast Club, Big Business, Mannequin Teen Wolf, I could go on and on!
    fav music is Wham!, Flock of Seagulls, Dead or Alive and of course The Boss!
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    Fame I love that movie :smile:
  • I loved the cheesy fantasy flicks - Labyrinth, The Neverending Story, The Dark Crystal...
  • fireman300
    fireman300 Posts: 38 Member
    I LOVED The Neverending Story...cant count the number of times I have seen it! And the song made so much more sense after watching the movie too...LOL
  • 16 Candles is my all time FAV!!! I <3 Jake Ryan!!!! LoL...........But Pretty in Pink & Breakfast Club, come real close.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    "I want my two dollars!!!"

    Pretty much any John Hughes movie.

    All Bon Jovi, Mickey, 867-5309, Jesse's Girl

    Going out to an 80's club this weekend with some friends, so excited!!

    And I would have picked Duckie...
  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    I loved the cheesy fantasy flicks - Labyrinth, The Neverending Story, The Dark Crystal...

    Yes! All of these! *laughs like Falcor*
  • I LOVED The Neverending Story...cant count the number of times I have seen it! And the song made so much more sense after watching the movie too...LOL

    OMG! I forgot about that movie!!! Loved it!!
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    LOVE THE 80's! Dirty Dancing is my all time favorite - loved Patrick Swayze in that!! Footloose, The Breakfast Club, Rocky, Sixteen Candles, About Last Night, Top Gun, ET, The Karate Kid, Gremlins, Back to the Future, Ferris Beullers Day Off, The Lost Boys, Goonies, Indiana Jones, St Elmo's Fire, Say Anything, ... oh I'm sure there are many, many more!!!!!