Help needed in 2 parts!!!

ALRIGHT! I need some serious help here, so please comment only if you have something relevant, lol.

Part 1: I work 45 minutes away from home and I work a full 9 hour day (1 hour lunch, obviously), so in total, I'm gone from 8:15AM until 6:45-7PM, so I'm not EATING DINNER until 7:30-8:30pm depending on the food. Now, my fiance works night shifts and typically starts between 9-4PM, unless it's friday.

So here's the thing. What kind of foods can I start buying that are a) really easy, b) really quick, and c) FILLING. When I get home and I'm trying to cook up, for example, a chicken breast, I usually cannot wait and NEED to snack on something. It's really really hard not to snack and because I haven't eaten for 4+ hours, it's typically a high carb item to get rid of the grumbling tummy (eg. piece of bread, melba toasts with some butter on them, etc.).

Here's part 2 - when would be the best time to work out, from your perspective? By the time dinner is finished and eaten, it's 9PM and I'm dead tired from the day and have to be in bed by 11 if I'm to have any chance at not being tired the next day.

Also, I have 3 dogs that need to be walked for 45 minutes daily....

I've started noticing my body gaining weight again since I've started working and I NEED a solution! Please help!!!!! I can't figure it out.


  • Food- try Amy's frozen bowls. YUMMY and filling, and they microwave in 5 minutes. While cooking, toss a salad. Or Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, Weight Watchers.
    Can you work out during lunch for 30 minutes?
    I would work out befoe work- that means getting up early, but it WILL keep your metabolism revved all day. If you work out Sat and Sun, and have a 5 or 6 day workout goal, you only need to work out 3 or 4 work days. GOOD LUCK.
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I wake up at 5:00/5:30 to work out before the kids wake up. At first I was tired and not used to it but then I was actualy feeling motivated and more energized through out the day! I work full time and have 2 kids and 4 pets (plus a husband) to take care of. Or, take a walk on your lunch. I know it starting to get cold but if you really want it you can make it happen.

    As far as the food goes, I try to cook thing ahead of time and freeze it. I also have fresh veggies and fruit to snack on if I can't wait any longer. Try cooking with a crockpot. Winter is great for soups!
  • kaylynn723
    kaylynn723 Posts: 5 Member
    I suggest doing what I do for lunches. Prepare your food on Sunday for the entire week!! Make 3 chicken breasts and veggie and plate or put in container. Make Turkey meatloafs in muffin pans, each muffin is an individual meal. Then you just pop them in to microwave for 1 1/2 minutes and your done and ready to eat!!!

    As far as working out......sounds like you need to bring workout clothes to work and find a gym on the way home and stop for 30 minutes each day or on weekends. Walking the dogs at fast pace is good too!!!!

    Hope this helps some.
  • Jen788134
    Jen788134 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there,

    When do you walk your dogs now? If you're walking for 45 mins a day already then this is good exercise. You could walk them for 20 mins in the morning and then again for 25 mins after work while your dinner is in the oven? Not sure how you'd feel going out and leaving the oven on.. if not then could you eat your main meal during your hour lunch break? Then in the evenings you could have a sandwich/soup/cheese-ham salads etc.. It takes a while to get used to eating like that, but I used to do it as I had free hot lunches at work and you soon get used to it. If you walk 45 mins a day, you probably only need to fit in a class or swimming session over the weekend and that'll be plenty. Good luck