
Today is my first real day on MFP!! I have lost 10 lbs on my own the last month or so by counting carbs. A GF told me about MFP, counting calories is completely new to me. So far, so good....kinda fun :)

Just need a little motivation....approx. when should I see a scale change? Doing low carb you could see a change almost daily and became obsessed with the scale. So now that I'm counting calories, when will my hard work start to pay off?



  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    It's simple science. Input vs Output. Have a higher output of energy than you do calories and you'll lose weight. Just make sure that the calories you eat are quality ones and not 1400 calories of cookies and ice cream. I think you will do it as long as you dedicate yourself to it. Look at all the wonderful people on this site doing it as we speak!
  • Johnnie01Sanford
    I have learned you won't see a change on that scale until you are burning up more calories than you take in. I count calories too but unless you are burning them off you won't see a change. Are you getting some kind of exercise daily even if its walking. The key is for your body to burn off what you consume that is the only way to lose weight. Exercise and eat healthy go hand in hand. Hope I helped. :)
  • mikebudd
    mikebudd Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome to the site and good luck with reaching your goals. Losing weight has always been difficult with me but I am close to 50 pounds lost in the last two months. Tracking what I eat and realizing what everything costs in terms of calories has really helped. And the MFP friends are great. Good luck on making it work.

    Most people on the site recommend weighing in on a weekly basis, but I do it daily. I realize my weight may go up or down on a daily basis, so I don't get upset with the day to day fluctuations, but it helps me to keep on track. I guess everone has their own little games the play.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    a few things:

    1. good luck to you on your journey.

    2. I did low carb in 2005. weight came off quickly early (like 17 pounds in a month) and then slowed. and, of course, once I stopped low carb (and didn't have a good exit plan), the weight came rushing back on. I suspect if you continue(d) low carb, you'd see the weight loss slow down as well.

    3. you can't be impatient. this should be a lifestyle journey rather than a short term fix. none of us gained the weight as quickly as we want it off...however, if you work hard, chances are you will lose it faster than you gained it...just not as fast as you would like.

    4. if you maintain a caloric deficit, you should lose 1-2 pounds per week. This is the rate of loss most "experts" consider a healthy pace and makes it more likely you will keep it off (since you're learning good habits).

    5. hard to say when you should expect to see the scale change. if you are no longer doing low carb, then your body might adjust/rebel for a bit and its possible you gain a bit before losing again. don't be discouraged if this happens. adjustment is normal. set some guidelines for yourself, log in all of your food, be accountable, and the weight will come off as you proceed on your journey.
  • brookie2983
    brookie2983 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you guys! Since I am new I like to read everyone's motivational stories and success! To meet me 30lb weight loss goal in 6 months I have figured 1,200 calories a day to loss the weight. I will be exercising as well, which from what I understand is an extra weight loss bonus??

    Would love to see the scale drop counting calories so I can keep myself motivated!! I have my first dress fitting in less than 3 weeks!! eeeek!! I do not want to walk out of there depressed!! :)