help please

so at my weigh in on sunday i was 252.4..i do weigh in every day but only log sundays. sunday is/was my cheat day too - normally i did fine with having one. id see a gain on the scale the next day (usually a pound or two) but it would quickly drop within a day or two. this time it didnt.. this morning i was 253.4 (while its down from yesterday im still not happy). now i dont normally freak out about my daily weigh ins..i know weight varies and all that jazz. im just wondering if someone could look at my food diary and see if theres anything you would improve on. (i realized theres a couple crappy days in there in the last week or two - i havent been feeling well and its easier for me to give into cravings when im sick ;/)
its been about a month since ive been back on the wagon.. im not complaining about the 13 pounds ive lost. just wondering if im eating enough/too many exercise calories.. i do use a HRM when i exercise. i dont know if the exercise diary is shared...but i walk about 3 miles every other monday, about 5 miles on wednesdays and 3 miles on fridays. ive started 30 day shred again and today will be day 4 of that. i try to get a good walk in on tuesdays and thursdays but it doesnt always happen.

EDITED TO ADD: i also just remembered that i changed my diary meals names like..two days ago.. so the ones that say morning snack and actually look like a full breakfast used to BE breakfast, and the one labeled Breakfast used to be snack. sorry if there was confusion there!


  • juliej43
    hi there, you really shouldn't weigh yourself everyday as it causes disappointment like this has, it could be fluid retention that has caused you to be slightly different. You have done great so far and should stick to a once a week weigh to prevent further upset, our weight fluctuates daily and that is why it changes
    dont be disheartened just keep going
  • prettytothinkso
    I just had a quick look through your diary and looks like you have a high sodium intake which can make you retain water.
  • wilkin_rebecca
    wilkin_rebecca Posts: 51 Member
    I just had a quick look through your diary and looks like you have a high sodium intake which can make you retain water.

  • snorktharpe
    snorktharpe Posts: 41 Member
    yes, possibly sugar and sodium could be the problem. sodium could cause you to retain water weight.
  • tinlady
    tinlady Posts: 23
    Hi Rockerbabyy

    I had a look at your food diary. You seem to be going way over on the sodium every day. Maybe try and stick to the 1500 per day. Sodium can make you retain water. Processed foods are full of sodium especally soups. Hope this helps alittle good luck girl.
    Oh and buy the way I weigh myself everyday too and log once a week. Whatever you are confortable. :0)
  • goquiltersgo
    goquiltersgo Posts: 23 Member
    I took a look at your diary too. In addition to the high sodium content, there are several days that you are going way over on your carbs. You are having carbs with all of your snacks and your meals most of the time. You should concentrate on getting your carbs during your meals and getting protein in your snacks. I have a trainer friend that has a great quote, "Bread is the enemy!" Get your carbs from veggies, fruits and nuts.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    also, is 1500 reasonable for sodium? i just kinda picked that number because it was on the low end of what my dietician said.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    You know, this may sound nutty, but I've been eating apples more lately. For some odd reason, the last 5 days I really pigged out but I had apples too. I hesitantly got on the scale this morning and I was two pounds down. I took the batteries out and replaced them but it read the same weight. So, go figure. Eat apples.

    I remember hearing that girls with eating disorders eat them because they have a reputation of having "negative calories" whatever that means. Maybe they help burn fat . I really don't know.

    Anyway, I had two today and I think I'm going to keep them around and try to fill up on them when I'm tempted to eat truffles.

    An apple a day just might keep the doctor away.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    1500-2000mg of sodium per day is within reason. Don't go over that though. It is hard not to, but it is definitely within reach! :) Good luck!
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    cut your calorie intake down.
    lose the cheat day(s).
    30 mins cardio 5 times a week.
    increase water intake.

    KABOOM! works every time.

    Although, putting it into practice requires balls out discipline (which I myself often lack).

    :heart: good luck